Friday, April 29, 2016

Besthairbuy Virgin Human Hair Products

Hi my beloved fashionistas! Isn't it a great spring Friday today? I hope you will enjoy your day and my newest post! We are taking a break from the fashion world and going straight to the hair world today! And there is so much to talk about hair right now. Ever since miss Jenner started making the wigs a thing, girls all around the world have been going crazy not only about hair extensions, but over wigs too!

Besthairbuy is one of those stores that offer you everything related to hair in one place. Their main category they work with is virgin human hair, which means there are many of their products that are made from it. It's a great place to find yourself some fine quality but still cheap hair extensions. Only some of their categories are remy weave, ombre hair, micro loop, tape in, closure and more. 

 If you were thinking of getting yourself some brazilian human hair bundles there is a wide range of products for you to choose from. Also virgin peruvian hair can be found here as well. They offer fast worldwide shipping, promotions and discount codes. The more you buy, the more you save!

I picked out some of the products that I liked, among many others, so I would love to hear your opinion on this store and these products as well. You can find out more about their products and promotions on their social media Besthairbuy-

 Do you use hair extensions? Do you buy your hair accessories online? How do you match the colors and sizes accurately? Share your thoughts my lovelies!

P.s. don't forget to enter my Japan Candy Box giveaway!

Lots of love,

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Feshfen Hair Extensions Review

Hello dolls! I hope you are having a beautiful Wednesday and that it will just get better! I prepared for you a further review of hair extensions you saw me wearing in this outfit post.

Today we are talking about 7 pcs Burgundy Straight 22" Clip In Hair Extensions Synthetic Hair ExtensionsThe store where you can find these is called Feshfen and here's a bit more about the store.
They are a team of hair experts that is all about freedom of expression through beauty when it comes to hair products. Their goal is to offer you best quality products and reasonable prices with that. They ship worldwide making customers happy with their products all around the world.

What is important to say here is that Feshfen provides human hair extensions such as clip in hair extensionswefts and wigs and they often have special offers, discounts, promotions and so on. Many of their products are out of remy hair which means they are made of 100% human hair, not treated with acid baths.  They have a customer service available to you at all times and they will assist you from the moment you need help deciding on which hair extensions or products fit you, to how to care and extend their use.

The product that I got to review costs 30$ and contains seven pieces of straight burgundy synthetic hair extensions. They are easy to use (I googled how to properly put them on and I made it quite easily, later I notices that there are instructions on the site as well), easy to put on and off. The clips don't slip down my hair. Color is exact as shown in the product details on the site and it matches my hair perfectly. It doesn't tangle a lot (22 inches is pretty long for hair extensions, it probably tangles even less if the extensions aren't that long), only a few hairs dropped out during few times when I used the clip ins. They come with instructions on how to take care of them as well. 

I also wanted to share with you that they have a new Cover Beauty Event at the moment! You can join by buying hairs from Feshfen and sharing a photo of it. By doing that, you can enjoy 50% OFF for your next order and Top 10 of them will enjoy free shipping.all the time. Also they will choose one of the 10 to be the cover beauty who will win private customize service. Doesn't that sounds like an awesome promotion?

Let me know if you are using hair extensions and what do you think of them dolls!

Lots of love,

Monday, April 25, 2016


Hi dolls! Here's how you can sum up all latest trends without making it too tacky. Ripped jeans, lace up heels (or white sneakers if you're on a run), lace up tee and a bit of aztec print on your bag should do it. Don't forget to add an unusual pair of sunnies to your ''nude'' lips if it's sunny outside. You will look super trendy and it won't look like you even tried too hard. Enjoy the post!


Zdravo dragi moji! Danas sam se pozabavila nekim od mojih omiljenih prolećnih trendova. Razmišljala sam o odevnoj kombinaciji koja izgleda urbano, ali ne odaje utisak da ste proveli sat vremena pred ogledalom birajući prave komade. Pocepane farmerke, cipele na pertlanje (ili bele patike ako ste u žurbi), majica na pertlanje i malo astečkog printa na torbi su pun pogodak za tako nešto. Slobodno dodajte na to mačkaste naočare za sunce i ''nude'' usne ako je topao dan. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Sunglasses: Emblem Eyewear
Top: Lookbookstore   Bag; Yoins
Pants: Terranova
Shoes: SheIn

What do you think dolls? Would you wear something similar this spring?

Lots of love,

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Unboxing: Japan Candy Box + Giveaway!

Hello my lovelies! I have prepared a special unboxing post today and, of course, a surprise for all of you faithful readers at the end of the post! 

Today we will be checking out the latest subscription box from Japan Candy Box. Japan Candy Box is a subscription box full of Japanese candy that gives you a fun and unique experience of Japan through their sweetest candy! I was so happy when their box arrived to my doorstep last week!

There are between 8 and 10 candy items straight from Japan coming to your doorstep in a cute box every month in an Japan Candy Crate! They vary from chocolates over gummys to some candy I have never tried before!

When your box arrives (and it doesn't take long, even for international shipping such as mine to Serbia), you get to enjoy your treat and have them all listed in English on paper so you know what you're eating.

I enjoyed all of their candy and made a huge mess with DIY kit they sent me. I believe I am anti-talented for DIY, but I sure had a lot of fun while doing it. Their chocolate also tastes very nice and it's a bit different from European chocolate. It was a fun and interesting experience for me.

And here's a surprise for you lovelies! One of YOU can win and enjoy next month's Japan Candy Box in our giveaway! Just enter the Rafflecoppter below in any way you like! The more enteries - the higher your chances are to win!

Good luck dolls!

Lots of love,

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Aura Noviteti Proleće 2016 Recenzija

Zdravo dragi moji! Danas ćemo ćaskati o Aura novitetima za proleće 2016, a sa ponosom ću vam predstaviti i svoj prvi recenzijski video! Naime, tu je opsežan post za sve vas verne čitaoce, a za one koji ne vole puno da čitaju, ovog puta tu je i video u kome ću vam preneti svoje utiske o novim Aurinim proizvodima. Imajte obzira prema mojim nespretnim cut-ovima, ipak mi je ovo prvo Youtube iskustvo. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti!

Recenzije su poređane od baze do ruževa za usne, slike u postu verno prikazuju nijanse, a ako imate dodatnih pitanja slobodno ih ostavite u komentaru.

Prvi proizvod o kome ću vam pričati danas je Aura Prime Me baza. Moja koža varira od suve ka meštovitoj i ovaj prajmer je za mene savršen. Sjajno mi drži šminku, kada ga nanosim imam osećaj kao da sam nanela laganu kremu. Sa ovim prajmerom se družim od ranije i uvek ga rado preporučujem.  (559 RSD)

Drugi proizvod, ovoga puta jedan koji nisam imala prilike ranije da isprobam, jeste Aura Take Care of Me tečni puder. Konkretno je u pitanju nijansa 803 Pastel Rose. Ovo je svilenkast tečni puder, lak za nanošenje, srednje pokrivne moći. Tokom testiranja u svakodnevnim uslovima pokazao se kao postojan i trajan. Ukoliko nemate većih problema sa licem i ne volite teške pudere, ovo je sjajan izbor.  (859 RSD)

Aura Correct Me korektor za podočnjake je proizvod sa kojim ja nažalost nisam uspela da pronađem zajednički jezik. S obzirom da imam malo izraženije podočnjake, prijaju mi gušći korektori sa jačom pokrivnom moći.  (429 RSD)

Aura Illuminate Me je tečni iluminator/highlighter i jedno od lepših iznenađenja kada su Aurini proizvodi u pitanju. Svilenkasta tekstura, lako razmazivanje i puno sjaja jesu karakteristike ovog proizvoda. Meni lično se jako dopao i planiram da ga uvrstim u svoju svakodnevnu rutinu vezanu i za dnevnu i za večernju šminku. (729 RSD) 

Aura All year Bronze bronzer (859 RSD) je takođe proizvod sa kojim sam se prvi put susrela ovom prilikom. Nema prejaku pigmentaciju, daje divan sjaj koji pruža efekat sveže osunčanosti lica i mnogo mi se dopada. Nanosim ga sa Aura Bronzer Contour četkicom (499 RSD), veoma solidnom četkicom od sintetičke dlake koja odgovara mom obliku lica. Ova dva proizvoda zaista sjajno rade zajedno.

Aura Glorious Cheeks rumenilo je moj apsolutni favorit kada su Aurini noviteti u pitanju. Ima fenomenalnu pigmentaciju, jako se sporo troši i veoma je postojano. Nijansa je 211 Vintage Peach.  (425 RSD) 

Aura Take Me Off micelarna voda jeste proizvod sa kojim sam se prvi put susrela ovom prilikom. U pitanju je solidna micelarna voda u pakovanju od 200ml. Uredno uklanja nečistoće i šminku sa lica, eventualno se morate malo potruditi oko uklanjanja vodootpornih maskara. U rangu je sa Garnier micelarnim vodama i odgovara mojoj osetljivoj koži.

Što se tiče Aura Matte Velvet Feel tečnih ruževa, njih ste do sada imali priliku da vidite u mojim outfit postovima. Oni su moji favoriti što se tiče mat ruževa već neko vreme i smatram da su najpostojaniji na tržištu. Moje omiljene nijanse su 625, 617 i 605. Odlični su i za precrtavanje usana, mogu se nositi i bez olovke ispod. Moj mali savet je da ih nanosite četkicom umesto aplikatorom kako biste postigli ravnomernost na usnama kod pojedinih nijansi. Mislim da ću se sa ovim ruževima sa zadovoljstvom družiti još dugo. (533 RSD)

Nadam se da vam se dopao post drage moje! Za dodatna pitanja, diskusiju na temu i sve ostalo, možete me kontaktirati putem mejla ili pitati u komentarima ispod!

Do sledećeg posta,

*većina proizvoda prikazanih u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/pr-a/uvoznika, što ne utiče na objektivnost recenzije.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Last call for boots

Hi dolls! It's middle of April, temperatures are already getting summer-ish and today I'm taking my last chance to take out these beautiful boots before next autumn. They are my favorite pair and I feel like I didn't give them enough attention so far. This outfit is something perfect for a night out in mid-spring. I hope you'll like it!


Zdravo dragi moji! Sredina je aprila, a temperature pretenduju da postanu letnje. Danas sam iskoristila priliku da se još malo družim sa svojim omiljenim parom čizmi preko kolena. Ove lepotice definitivno nisu dobile dovoljno zaslužene pažnje od mene ove zime. Ovakvu kombinaciju, ako izuzmemo naočare za sunce, bih nosila u večernji izlazak po ovako toplom vremenu. Uživajte u postu!

I'm wearing:

Sunglasses: Emblem Eyewear
Jacket: Tideshe   Choker: Ladyqueen 
Bag: Wholesalebuying
Dress (also goes as swimwear) : Wantdo    Boots: Amiclubwear

Lots of love,