Friday, April 11, 2014

Mona proleće leto 2014 Fashion Selection

My beloved photographer, my dear friend Nikola and I had a lovely time on Wednesday on Fashion Selection while we were watching a fashion show of  a local Serbian fashion brand ''Mona''. Mona's new spring summer collection for 2014 ''Touch of gold'' was full of exciting and eye catching pieces. It took us back to the 70's and reintroduced James Bond girls to us in a whole new way with their personal Golden girl! Enjoy the photos we made for you! :) P.S. click to zoom in!

My favorite outfit was the one with tulle skirt and black leather jacket, but I also loved all variations of red leather and more than a few bags. 

How do you like it dolls? Let me know!

Until my next post,


  1. Svidja mi se vecina modela, osim "golden lady". Nisam sigurna sta je ona trebala da predstavlja. :/

    1. Golden lady je iz James Bonda :) Ne uklapa se među ove mršavice, ali devojka je riba i po :)

  2. I really like those James Bond girls looks too
    Great collection
