Monday, May 12, 2014

Look of the day: Polka dots skirt

So, I got back from Berlin few days ago and now I am back on my usual schedule of trying to pass a very difficult exam, having four trainings a week and sharing my outfits every now and then with you lovelies! And I must say that, when I add a part time job to it, probably by the end of this month, it's going to be a hell of a party for me, with definitely no sleeping... But who cares, as long as I don't start falling asleep on unusual places I believe it will all be all right! :D

Today am a brunette, mixing a stripped shirt with polka dot skirt (which is just the way it's supposed to be, soon as I bet some of you will think I didn't want to iron it or something ;) ). Also I am super excited about a doggy belt that I'm showing you today, it arrived from Born pretty store, where you can also get 10% off price if you use code MILICAC10. Enjoy the photos dolls!

I am wearing:

Sunnies: Wholesalecelebshades   Hair: WonderlandWigs
Shirt: YesFor
Polka dot skirt: Rosewholesale 
Ring: Rosewholesale    Belt: Born pretty store 
Shoes: Bata

I hope you like it, feel free to share your thoughts in comments!
P.S. I changed the design a little bit, what do you think about it?

Until next post,


  1. wow great skirt!you look beautiful!

  2. OMG , this is going to be so busy for you.. :)
    The skirt is to die for and I loved your ring
    Last day to enter my Zarop LBD giveaway
    Keep in touch

    1. I'll check it out doll, thank you for stopping by :)

  3. Wow, tough schedule! You can do it girl! Kick some ass :D
    This dotted tulle skirt is a dream. I want one!!! O_O

    1. You should get one :) I'll have to kick more than one ass from how it looks right now :D Lots of love <3

  4. totally in love with that skirt! polka dots on anything is ok in my book!

    XO Meghan
    citrus fashion

  5. Woooow, ovaj ti je bas dobar!
    Lana :)))

  6. Nema stajanja, Venoma! :))
    Zanimljiva je suknjica, bas je slatko to sa tufnama <3
