Friday, September 21, 2018

OwlSmarter Money Saving App

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! I am happy to share with you my fashionistas one of my favorite topics! As you know, here we often discuss different apps that are fashion and shopping related. I am always in search of an app that helps me save money while shopping for my favorite items online. When it comes to saving money it's important to get all the right information before your shopping in order to get the best deal possible.

Recently I found out about an app that can really help when it comes to savings while online shopping. It's called OwlSmarter and it's available for IOS and Android. Also it's free so you can check it out any time and has some really good reviews. It's a pretty good app for getting your cash back after purchase while shopping with your favorite shopping apps. It works in a way where you can check OwlSmarter before shopping for women and men apparel, footwear, pet supplies, home items, jewelry and more. OwlSmarter works with top brands and after supplying the app with order number and review url, you can get a really nice amount of your cash back. You can save some money with each purchase!

Other great thing about this app is that, beside it being free, that there is a welcome bonus and you can get a refferal code that you can use to invite your friends and family. Then you can earn extra prize with every successful purchase from people you invited - 5% from each order they made from OwlSmarter.

Here are the links where you can download OwlSmarter for your IOS or Android:

What do you think about this savings app my lovelies? Are you using apps like this in your daily life in order to save a buck or even earn money? What is your opinion and previous experience with this kind of apps? Feel free to let me know what do you think of this topic!

Until my next post,

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