Lol cats Monday: Nap attack

Prva stvar koju treba da znate o jednoj prosecnoj ''lol cat'' jeste to da obozava dremke i gleda da zaspi bilo kad i bilo gde, u naletu takozvanog "nap attack-a" :D U tome ja poprilicno licim na njih btw :D Tako da se ovog ponedeljka bavimo macama koje, za razliku od nas, imaju tu srecu da ujutru ostanu kuci i spavaju koliko im je volja :) Zelim vam sjajnu nedelju!

First thing you should know about average lol cat is that she loooves naps, anywhere, anytime :D I am quite similar to them when it comes to that btw :D So, this Monday we're glancing at cats that have that fortune to stay home at Monday and sleep, unlike most of us ;) Have a great week!

(none of these pictures belong to me)



Givenchy couture spring 2011

Nastavljamo sa Haute Couture, dok ne 'ispucamo' sve dobre kolekcijice koje su tamo vidjene ove nedelje :) Sledeci je Givenchy. Riccardo Tisci je ove godine koristio iskljucivo azijske modele kako bi predstavio svoju novu kolekciju inspirisanu japanskim igracem pod imenom Kazuo Ohno. Pre nego sto sam procitala tu informaciju, ove haljine su me podsetile na nesto sto bi se mozda moglo naci u nekoj video igri, zbog detalja na ledjima koji mi deluju bas onako svemirski. Haljine su krhke, providne, sa malo slojeva. Ne deluju mi kao nesto sto lako moze da se obuce na crveni tepih ili igde drugde. Vreme ce pokazati. Uzivajte u fotkama :)

We continue with Haute Couture, until we count down on the great collections that came out :) The following is a Givenchy. Riccardo Tisci has this year used exclusively Asian models to present his new collection inspired by Japanese dancer under the name of Kazuo Ohno. Before I read this information, these dresses reminded me of something that would perhaps be found in a video game, because of the details on the back which seemed to me so space-like. Dresses are fragile, transparent, with only few layers. Does not seem to me like something that could easily be worn on the red carpet or anywhere else. Time will tell. Enjoy the photos :)

A sto se stvari na njihovoj glavi tice, nisam mogla da se odlucim da li mi pre lice na nesto svemirsko ili vikinshko x)

And about these things on their heads, I can't really decide if they more look like something from space or from old Vikings x)



Jean Paul Gaultier Couture spring summer 2011

Provela sam vece u velikoj nedoumici o kojem Couture dizajneru bih prvo trebalo da pisem. I tako sam vagala, vagala i odlucila se za jednog cija me je revija na prvi pogled ostavila ravnodusnom, a onda naprasno osvojila ludim dizajnom ogromnih haljina :D Jean Paul Gaultier nije jedan od mojih najomiljenijih dizajnera, ali je imao sjajne momente u svojoj istoriji i kreacije koje su mi oduzele dah. Kao, izmedju ostalog, i ovog proleca. Pretpostavljam da su najupecatljiviji detalj trebale biti 'cirokana' frizure u punk fazonu, ali nisam sigurna da li su one uspele da ostave pravi utisak na sve ljude, nekako su ipak bile u drugom planu zbog fenomenalnih kreacija. Ali nista zato :) Uzivajte!

 I spent the night on the horns of a dilemma about what couture designer should I first write about. So, I weighed the scale and decided for one whose show firs made me feel neutral, and then suddenly won me over with crazy designed huge dresses :D Jean Paul Gaultier is not one of my favorite designers, but it had great moments in his history and creations that have taken my breath away. As happened, among others, this spring. I assume that the most impressive detail should be hair in punk style, but I'm not sure if it managed to leave an impression on all people, somehow it was still secondary to the fabulous creations. But never mind :) Enjoy!


Into the future with Armani Prive Couture

Nazovite me staromodnom (upravo sam krenula da se smejem kao budala zbog upotrebe takve reci na modnom blogu, oprostite na indiskretnosti x) ), ali ne volim kad mi neko oduzme velelepne balske haljine sa puno sljokica, bisera, nabora, karnera, slojeva, boja i svega ostalog sto ide uz to, za vreme Haute Couture nedelje mode. Ne volim. Ali, ovog puta sam mozda u stanju i da im oprostim. Jer, i ovo sto su nam dizajneri pokazali ove godine, spada u svojevrsnu umetnost, koja mi se na neki cudan nacin dopada.

Danas pricamo o Armani Prive Couture kolekciji za prolece/leto 2011. Koja je potpuno 'into the future', sa neke strane tesko nosiva i uklopiva, ali sa druge strane fenomenalna kao takva. Sami krojevi jasno govore da je to Armanijevo delo, ali ne mogu da se ne zapitam, gde je Giorgio nasao one materijale i odakle mu ideja da od toga pravi Haute Couture odecu. Ne mogu ni da pretpostavim. A ljubicasti karmin i lak za nokte koji je tek 'zacinio' situaciju, stvarajuci instantni trend za sezonu pred nama, savrseno je upotpunio kolekciju. Najupecatljiviji 'space' detalji su sesirici i torbice. Mislim da samo Armani moze da od onakvih sesirica napravi nesto zenstveno, zaista.. Uzivajte u slicicama :)

Call me old-fashioned (I just started to laugh like a fool because of the use of such words in a fashionblog, forgive me my the indiscretion x) ), but I do not like it when someone doesn't let me seemagnificent couture ball gowns with sequins, pearls, ruffles, layers, colors and everything else thatgoes with it, during the Haute Couture fashion week. I do not like. But this time I may be able toforgive that. Because, this what the designers showed us this year, falls into a kind of art, which Isomehow like.

Today we talk about the Armani Prive couture collection for spring / summer 2011. Which is totally'into the future', very hard to fit in an outfit for any occasion, but on the other side phenomenal assuch. Cuts alone make it clear that it is Armani's work, but I can not help but wonder, where Giorgiofound those materials and where he got the idea to use them in making haute couture clothing. I can not even imagine. A purple lipstick and nail polish that 'spiced up' the situation, creating an instanttrend for the season ahead of us, is perfectly completing the collection. The most striking 'space'details are hats and purses. I think that only Armani can make those hats look so feminine, really ..Enjoy the pictures :)

(click to enlarge)

(source, source, source)



John Galliano for Christian Dior, Haute Couture spring summer 2011

Ove nedelje cemo malo vise gledati i citati o Haute Couture revijama u Parizu koje se trenutno odrzavaju. Sto se mene tice, nije tamo ni sve sto oni zovu Haute Couture vredno pomena. Aaaali, neke revijice jesu, da, da... Da li sam vam ikada pomenula koliko se divim Johnu Gallianu i njegovom radu? Ako nisam, evo sad vam govorim, pored Zuhaira Murada, John je jedan od mojih najomiljenijih dizajnera. Ova revija koju smo imali prilike da vidimo ove godine, po mom misljenju, ne moze da se meri sa nekima koje je on vec priredio u proslosti, ali se ipak na 100m razdaljine moze prepoznati njegov dizajn. Ono sto posebno volim kod njega je ekscentricnost u kreiranju, nacin na koji uvek izabere manekenke koje odgovaraju modelima, frizure, sminka, ceo set. Ma uzivanje je gledati ono sto on napravi.

This week we are gonna be talking and seeing a lot from Haute Couture week in Paris. Ask for me, not all the shows there can be called Haute Couture and not all of them are worth mentioning. But, some of them are ;) Have I ever mentioned how much I love John Galliano and his work? If I didn't, now I did. Next to Zuhair Murad, John Galliano is one of my favorite designers ever. This show we've seen this year is not one of his best shows ever, but from a 100m distance you can see that those are his creations when you see them. I love his model's freaky style,  hairs, make up, the whole set. It's a joy looking at what he made.

(click to enlarge)


Skoro sve ove na slicicama koje sam odabrala su 'to die for' ako mene pitate :D A najomiljeniji detalj su mi dugacke rukavice i oblik suknje koji se shiri kao na 8. slici... Want! :D

Almoust all of there dresses are 'to die for' if you ask me :D And my most favourite details are long gloves and skirts as in picture 8... Want! :D

