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Everything You Need To Know About Tape-In Hair Extensions


Do you love the idea of getting hair extensions? These are an excellent way to cover your hair thinning issues or even a bad haircut. Hair extensions make your hair look more voluminous and longer, provided you choose the right hairpiece. So, if you need clarification about which hair attachment to opt for, the tape-ins would be a safe choice.


Now, you may wonder what tape-in hair extensions are and how they work. So, here we are with a complete guide on what tape-in extensions are, how these can benefit you, and how to choose the best one.

What are Tape-In Hair Extensions, and How Do They Work?

Tape-in hair extensions are fast and convenient for individuals, especially women, to upgrade their hair volume and length. These are suitable for women with hair-thinning problems. As the name suggests, tape-in hair extensions are really taped in. Every weft is secured to your bio hair using medical-grade glue to give it a firm hold for nearly 8 weeks. The total number of wefts used is based on the thickness you wish to add to your original hair.


These hair extensions come in sections between 1 and 1 ½ inches. Your hairdresser needs to apply tape-in hairpieces to your biological hair since they come with medical-grade adhesive glue. Tape-in hair extensions are one of the safest options, as they don’t require any chemicals or tools to secure the piece to your natural hair.


Benefits of Tape-in Hair Extensions

The following are some key advantages of using tape-in hair extensions.

      They Give a Natural Look

Tape-in hairpieces look natural and visually undetectable. Even if you tie up your hair, the tape will remain hidden. The tape is well-aligned and camouflaged with your head, thus minimizing the chances of anybody noticing your false hair. Tape-ins are a great choice for women with fine or thin hair.

      You Can Wash Your Hair with the Extensions On

You heard that right! Hair professionals recommend users wash their hair installed with tape-in hair systems because it is a semi-permanent hairstyle. Since adhesive strips are sensitive to moisture, you should wash them regularly to keep dirt and moisture at bay.


Consider using alcohol-free shampoo and other hair care products made of natural ingredients. Whenever you feel your hair has become dirty or oily, wash your hair immediately to ensure the longevity of your hair extension.

      Easy and Fast Application

You don’t have to worry about time-consuming and clumsy applications with tape-ins. You can apply these hairpieces easily, even while on the move. A tape-in extension application can take just half an hour, and you are good to go with your new look. It can be your last-minute savior, specifically when you make a sudden dinner plan or are invited to a party on short notice.

      A Wide Selection of Shades

People’s biological hair tends to lose its natural color over time. Even if you tend to wear different hair colors from time to time, they will fade with time. And if you wish to stay away from these artificial colors, your real hair will get bleached due to regular sun exposure, rendering lighter tones to your hair strands.


Therefore, if you do not prefer coloring your hair and yet wish to get rid of that faded-away look and luster of your bio hair, tape-in hair extensions are an ideal choice. These are available in multiple shades and styles. Choose your preferred shade to make your hair as natural as possible. You can take a professional hairdresser’s help to choose the shade that closely matches your hair’s natural color.

      Enjoy Fuller and Thicker Hair

Who doesn't love having voluminous and healthy-looking hair? With age or due to several health conditions, we tend to lose our bio hair’s natural shine and volume. Tape-in hair extensions can thicken and lengthen your hair, specifically if you have thin hair patches. Besides, these hair systems offer you maximum versatility while ensuring minimal tension.


Alternatively, you can use tape-ins if you want to go with a long-hair look to some get-together, especially if you are a short-haired woman. Tape-in hair attachments can give your hair a fuller and thicker look within half an hour. However, these extensions are not recommended for individuals with curly or thick hair strands.

      Easy to Maintain

Tape-ins are easy to care for and maintain, provided you follow the instructions correctly. For long-lasting shine and effectiveness, you should use the recommended shampoo, conditioner, and other hair care products.


Furthermore, you must be careful while washing and conditioning your hair and follow the tips advised by your professional hairdresser. Otherwise, it may loosen the hairpiece’s tape. Also, you should not condition your hair roots, as it may make the adhesive tapes slip off. Consider brushing your hair extension several times each day using a dedicated Tangle Teezer brush to minimize the tangles.

      A Reliable Semi-Permanent Solution

Tape-in extensions are semi-permanent solutions, making them ideal for most women. You are freed from clipping in your extension every day. Therefore, you don’t have to stick with the same hairstyle for months. Moreover, tape-ins are also much more affordable than many other options.


7 Hair Extension Trends for Women in 2023

Tips to Choose the Right Tape-in Hair Extension

Here are some tips to pick the appropriate tape-in hair systems for your particular hair type.


      Go for natural human hair extensions for a realistic look, shine, and texture. Besides, you won’t have to compromise on quality with human hairpieces.

      Tape-ins are not recommended for individuals with a dry scalp since adhesive strips won’t be a healthy choice for a dehydrated scalp.

      Taped hair extensions come in a variety of textures, ranging from Type 1 to Type 4. Choose the one that matches well with your biological hair.

      These hairpieces come in two main holds - the regular hold and the extra hold. The former is recommended for women with thin or fine hair and is designed for everyday use. Whereas, the latter is more suitable for women with thicker hair. Avoid investing in thicker holds unless you have extremely thick hair. That’s because they take up more space, making your hair look naturally thicker.

Final Words

To conclude, use the right human hair extensions to suit your specific hairstyle and hair type. Follow the recommendations and care instructions to make your extension last longer. Seek professional help, such as consulting a licensed cosmetologist, to make the right choice and have a more natural hairstyle.

Kako sam sprečila OPADANJE KOSE i kako mi je PORASLA NOVA KOSA


Zdravo drage moje! Nadam se da ste dobro :) U današnjem postu delim svoje lično iskustvo vezano za problem opadanja kose i kako sam ga rešila. U detalje ću vam objasniti kako je sve počelo i kako sam uspela da zaustavim ubrzano opadanje kose i da postignem ujedno da mi izraste nova baby kosa.

Pre nego što počnemo, imajte u vidu da, pre svega, ovaj post nije sponzorisan. Ove proizvode sam sama kupila svojim novcem, na preporuku prijateljica koje su imale sličan problem i uspešno ga rešile. 

Druga stvar, ovo što ćete pročitati je moje lično iskustvo, dakle ne znači da će i vama pomoći u istom procentu. Ukoliko smatrate da imate problem sa pojačanim opadanjem kose, najbolje je pre svega da posetite dermatologa i endokrinologa. Sad kad je to izrečeno, evo na koji način sam ja lično rešila opadanje kose.

Kako je sve počelo?

Žene oko mene često pominju nekakvo prolećno i jesenje ,,linjanje''. Ja nisam stručnjak za cikluse naše kose i nisam najbolje razumela šta to znači, pa sam pojačano opadanje kose na proleće prosto pripisala jednom od tih ,,linjanja'' i nastavila svoj život dalje.

To je bila greška. Jer četka je uvek bila puna dlaka, slivnik je nakon pranja kose bio jeziv. Godišnji odmori sa mnogo plivanja i ronjenja, gde su mi maske za ronjenje nemilosrdno kidale kosu, takođe nisu pomogli situaciji.

Ali ja sam to sve uspešno ignorisala, sve dok u jednom momentu nisam primetila da mi je kosa toliko retka da mi deluje kao da imam praznine na glavi sa retkim dlakama tamo gde nekad teme nije moglo da se vidi od kose. I tad je usledio napad panike.

Šta koristiti da sprečiš opadanje kose i da ti izraste nova kosa?

Nisam konsultovala dr. Google niti lekare, moram priznati. Prosto, uspaničila sam se i trebalo mi je rešenje odmah, u okviru mog budžeta. Konsultovala sam žene oko sebe i svog frizera. Došla sam do imena proizvoda koji su većini dali neke rezultate. Evo šta sam ja koristila i rešila opadanje uz samo 3 proizvoda za kratak vremenski period:


Melem-lek proizvode možete naći na Instagramu, odakle sam ih i ja nabavila. Šuška se da su menjali formulacije šampona u poslednje vreme, ali to za naš problem nije mnogo relevantno jer su meni najveću razliku napravile upravo kapi.

Sve o melem-lek kapima za kosu (praktično ulje za kosu) možete saznati na njihovom instagramu u istaknutim objavama. Nanose se na koren i na dužinu kose i potrebno je pustiti ih da odstoje par sati pre pranja ili da prenoćite sa njima na glavi. Trenutna cena je 1600 rsd za 200ml ili 550 rsd za 50ml + PTT. 

Ove kapi su inače nepotrošive, tako da će vam i malo pakovanje beskonačno mnogo trajati. Sastojci su prirodni (nije da me je briga kakvi su sastojci dok god radi, da budem iskrena), bez hemikalija, i sa gomilom elemenata za koje sam inače slušala da se nalaze u proizvodima protiv opadanja kose.

Lično sam ih nanosila možda 20-30 minuta pre pranja kose, dva puta nedeljno ili jednom nedeljno. I samo toliko je napravilo baš OZBILJNU pozitivnu razliku na mojoj glavi u vidu jačanja korena i pokretanja rasta nove kose. 

Ono što vam ne bih preporučila je Melem-lek šampon. Neki se kunu u njega naravno, međutim meni je čistač u ovom šamponu krajnje slabašan. Posebno nije realno da ćete ovim šamponom moći da isperete kapi ako ste ih prethodno nanele na teme. 

Imajte u vidu i da ima, sa jedne strane, žena koje tvrde da im je i šampon pomogao kod opadanja, a sa druge strane žena koje se žale na pojavu velike količine peruti od šampona i kapi. Ja problem sa pojavom peruti od melem-lek proizvoda nisam imala, samo eto, šampon mi nije odgovarao, a kapi jesu.

2. GLISS DAILY OIL-ELIXIR ulje za kosu sa vitaminom E i arganovim uljem

Ako ne želite da se mlatite za naručivanjem sa instagrama i želite nešto što je drogerijsko, prošlo sve provere i što možete lakše da nabavite, ovo Gliss ulje za kosu vam stoji na raspolaganju. Zašto sam se odlučila baš za ovo ulje? Pa moj frizer je takođe primetio da mi opada kosa i preporučio mi je vitamin E. S obzirom da sam već pila neku dozu vitamina E u okviru selen kompleksa koji mi je prepisan, nisam se osećala komotno da unosim više od toga. Ali, zašto ga ne bih stavila na glavu i tačno targetirala tamo gde mi treba? :D

Ovo ulje sam kombinovala sa melem-lek uljem, nanosila možda par puta mesečno pre pranja da odstoji malo. Ogromnu količinu ulja sam stavljala, natapala sam celu kosu i teme, a evo nakon skoro godinu dana još uvek nisam iskoristila jedno celo pakovanje. Milim da daje slabije rezultate nego melem-lek, ali mislim da definitivno pomaže, kako temenu, tako i dlaci.

3. Neocell Super Collagen Beauty kapsule sa kolagenom i biotinom

Ove kapsule su možda moje najveće otkrovenje vezano za sprečavanje opadanja kose i rast nove kose. Malo su jače sa cenom, ali ako ispratite akcije i sniženja (apoteka Apotekamo, Srbotrade, Benu), možete uzeti teglicu koja vam traje mesec dana za 1350 rsd umesto za 2000+ rsd. Ono što je bitno je da ovaj kolagen proizvod možete naći u verzijama SA I BEZ biotina, a vama je za rešavanje opadanja kose i novu kosu značajan baš taj sa biotinom.

U jednom pakovanju se nalazi 60 kapsula. Piju se dve kapsule dnevno, ujutru na prazan stomak kako bi se kolagen bolje iskoristio. Međutim, praćenje ovog uputstva meni je izvazvalo mučnine. Konsultovala sam se sa doktorkom koja mi je rekla da nije bitno kada ću u toku dana da ih popijem, ako imaju efekta na mene, imaće u bilo koje doba da ih uzmem.

I bi tako. Uglavnom sam ove kapsule uzimala uveče. Nekad i jednu dnevno, nekad i svaki drugi dan. Čudo su uradile za moju kosu, posebno za rast nove baby kose. Posle samo mesec dana kosa se počela pojavljivati na mestima na glavi gde sam mislila da je više nema. Baby dlake su ojačale tokom narednih meseci i pretvorile se u regularnu kosu, dodajući na gustini.

Pošto ja nosim gel lak već godinama, ne mogu da vam kažem mnogo o efektu ovih kapsula na nokte i kožu, ali moja tetka koja ih je uzela na moju preporuku ima samo reči hvale za njih jer joj se nokti ne listaju otkad njih koristi.

Ono što sam takođe primetila jeste da je nova kosa nastavila da se pojavljuje i nakon što sam proredila konzumaciju ovih kapsuila i nakon što sam prestala da koristim ulja. Ne znam koliko pomažu sprečavanju opadanja, ali za rast nove kose, ove kapsule od mene imaju preporuku k'o kuća!

Umesto zaključka

Ova tri proizvoda u raznim kombinacijama su meni definitivno donela željeni rezultat: pojačanog opadanja kose više nema, kosa opada u minimalnim količinama, ne kida se toliko kao ranije i stalno mi izbija ogromna količina nove baby kose. Prethodno izrasla baby kosa uspešno izrasta u regularnu kosu i doprinosi povećanju gustine kose.

Nadam se da će vam moje iskustvo u zaustavljanju opadanja kose i nalaženju načina za rast nove kose značiti. Čula sam još nekoliko preporuka, pre svega za Vichy dercos liniju proizvoda i ampule, ali imam problem da dam 6000 rsd za nešto što ne znam da li funkcioniše i da li će mi odgovarati s obzirom da meni Vichy proizvodi ionako nešto ne odgovaraju, tako da sam ja svoj problem rešila sa mnogo manjim budžetom.

Masaže glave, prirodne maske za kosu, piling temena i slično prosto nisu moja šoljica čaja. Vodila sam se zdravim razumom, preporukama i povoljnim hemijskim sastavom i uspešno sam rešila svoj problem. Trenutno održavam gustinu kose sa povremenom primenom ulja pre pranja i kojom kapsulom kolagena sa biotinom.

Osećajte se slobodnim da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima. Nadam se da vam je ovaj post bio od pomoći!

Do sledećeg posta,

vaša Venoma

What Causes Hair Loss for Women? 4 Main Factors

Research shows that 80% of women say that their hair influences their personal outlook and confidence. Yet for the millions of women who struggle with hair loss, a thinning mane can trigger embarrassment and insecurity.

If you're dealing with hair loss as a woman, understanding the cause can help you find the right solutions to achieve a full head of hair once again.

Read on to learn what causes hair loss for women and what treatments are available.

1. Alopecia

Alopecia is the medical term for excessive hair loss, and it's often linked to genetics, aging, and chronic medical conditions. Essentially, most hair loss that is ongoing or due to biological factors alone (as opposed to lifestyle or environmental factors) is considered alopecia.

For some people with alopecia, the hair follicles can shrink, causing hair loss and blocking regrowth. Treatments like this PRP treatment for hair loss in women can restart hair follicle activity.

2. Stress and Illness

Hair loss in women can, in many cases, be caused by bouts of stress and illness.

Mental stress, such as experiencing a difficult life event, can lead to short-term hair loss in women. Similarly, physical stress to the body from a high fever, surgery, or fluctuating hormones can also trigger hair loss.

In both instances, hair is pushed into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, stopping healthy hair from continuing to grow. This can then lead to hair shedding.

As you recover from the stressful event or medical condition, hair will eventually regrow. However, it may take several months, so it's important to be patient and continue keeping your mind and body as healthy as possible.

3. Tight Hairstyles

You may love high ponytails or tight braids, but these hairstyles can actually trigger hair loss.

When the hair is pulled and yanked on too often and for too long, it may break, leading to hair thinning and bald spots. Warning signs to look for include bumps on the scalp, redness, itchiness, and soreness.

After these initial symptoms, you may then start to notice hair loss on the areas where hair is pulled back the tightest. In some cases, repeatedly wearing tight hairstyles can lead to permanent hair loss.

The best course of action is to stop wearing tight hairstyles. That way, the hair follicles can rest and regrow lost hair.

4. Poor Diet

Hair, just like the rest of the body, needs certain nutrients to grow and stay healthy. But a poor diet can get in the way, triggering hair loss in women.

Women who are trying to lose weight fast, avoid certain food groups, or are struggling with an eating disorder may be at risk of hair loss, along with other health issues.

Be sure to incorporate plenty of proteins, biotin-rich foods, vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables, and foods containing healthy fats to support hair growth.

What Causes Hair Loss for Women?

Hair loss can crush your confidence, but what causes hair loss for women? There are a variety of factors, from medical illnesses to the food you eat. Determine if one of the four causes discussed here may be the reason for your hair loss, and talk to your doctor if your hair doesn't start growing back within a few months.

For more beauty tips, check out our latest posts!


4 Warning Signs of Damaged Hair (and How to Fix It Fast!)

Your hair follicles go through four different phases: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. It's normal for you to lose 50-100 hairs a day during the final phase called exogen, also known as the shedding phase.

Are you seeing signs of damaged hair? Are you looking for ways to treat your hair and maintain healthy hair?

Check out this article to learn about four warning signs of damaged hair and what you can do to prevent further hair damage.

1. Your Hair Looks Dry and Dull

Do you notice your hair lacking shine? Dull or dry hair may be a sign of damaged hair. Healthy hair usually has a natural oil that keeps it moisturized and looking healthy and shiny.

Damaged hair may be stripped of the natural oil in your scalp. This may also happen if you shampoo too often.

If you shampoo too much, you could be removing too much of the natural oil in your scalp which could leave your hair looking dry.

You can try to shampoo less often, such as every other day. The amount of shampooing your hair needs a week depends on a variety of factors including your hair type, texture, and how oily or dry your scalp is.

2. Your Hair Tangles or Breaks Easily

Another sign is if your hair tangles easily. If you can't get your comb or hairbrush through your hair without it becoming tangled or your hair breaking off, then this could mean your hair is damaged. Dry hair can tangle easily.

It's better to not brush hair when it's wet. This is because wet hair is fragile and is more likely to break. You can also try brushing or combing starting from the ends of your hair.

You can brush out the tangles from the bottom and work your way up to detangle your hair.

If you do brush wet hair, you can use a wide-toothed comb to carefully comb out the tangles.

3. You Have Split Ends

Split ends are another sign of damaged hair. Split ends occur when the ends of your hair become damaged and dry. This can occur from heat damage such as from styling tools or from chemical damage from hair dye.

How to Check for Split Ends

Wondering if you have split ends? You can look at the ends of your hair. A split end looks like the end of your hair shaft is split into two.

If you do have split ends, you can try a temporary treatment to add moisture back to your hair through a deep mask conditioning treatment. However, you cannot fix split ends permanently.

If you have split ends, you can get a haircut or a trim regularly to ensure your hair stays healthy and free from split ends.

4. Too Much Hair Loss

Do you feel like you're losing more than the normal amount of hair every day? Do you feel like your hair is thinning?

If you feel like you are experiencing hair loss that is more than normal, you should consult with your doctor to see if there is an underlying cause.

What You Can Do to Treat Your Hair

There are things you can do to prevent more hair damage in the future. Here are some healthy hair tips for taking care of your hair.

Get a Haircut Regularly

To maintain the health of your hair, you should get a hair cut regularly. Wondering how often you should get a haircut? The answer depends on a variety of factors such as your hair length, texture, or how often you use heat-styling tools.

Generally, you should get your hair trimmed about once every couple of months.

Limit Styling Tools and Hair Dyes

To limit damage to your hair, you can try cutting back on heated styling tools and hair dyes. Instead of blow-drying your hair every day, you can cut back to every other day or let your hair air dry.

When you do use styling tools, make sure to apply a heat protection product on your hair. You can also try lowering the setting of the heating product to its lowest setting.

If you regularly dye your hair, you can try extending the time between hair dye sessions.

Take Your Vitamins

There are links between certain nutritional deficiencies and loss of hair.

For example, there are studies that link hair loss and a deficiency of the vitamin biotin. What's more, iron deficiency can result in anemia. Anemia can also be a cause of losing hair.

In addition, there are other vitamin deficiencies that have been linked to hair loss including vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

The best way to get your vitamins is through the foods you eat. However, you can discuss with your doctor to see if using hair vitamins is right for you.

Be Gentle When Drying Your Hair

Another action you can take to prevent hair damage is to be gentle when drying your hair.

You should let your hair air dry. However, if you don't always have the time for that, you can use a lightweight microfiber cloth to dry your hair instead of a heavy towel.

Also, don't rub on your hair with a towel which can cause further damage to already fragile, wet hair. You can gently squeeze your hair instead of rubbing it.

Don't Skip the Conditioner

Our final tip is something simple, don't skip the conditioner when washing your hair. It can be tempting to shorten your shower by skipping the conditioning treatment. However, this can lead to dry hair.

Final Thoughts on Signs of Damaged Hair

We do a lot to our hair, whether it's constantly using styling tools or blow-drying it every day. If you notice the above signs of damaged hair, there are things you can do to prevent further damage. The above tips can help keep your hair looking shiny and healthy.

Want to learn more tips for styling and maintaining the health of your hair? Check out more articles in our Beauty section.


Wiggins Hair Hot Sale

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! It's been a while since we talked about some hair related topics and time has come for us to make that right! New Year is approaching, but before that we have Halloween and other holidays which make this period just the right time for us girls to get our hair game on point. If you are looking for a perfect wig for your Halloween costume or maybe some brazilian hair for everyday use, then read on!

Today we will be checking out some hot sale and promotions at Wiggins Hair that I believe you will love. First time that you enter their online shop, you will get a chance to get 3% off and double points just by registering. They offer a large variety of hair related products like human hair weave that you can sort by hair style and hair type with some great bundle deals, then we have hair bundles with closure, large variety of wigs together with full lace wigs and lace front wigs

What is interesting in their offer is a huge choice of ombre and blonde hair options that are currently on 35% off. There is also a Halloween pre-sale going on right now with some hot offers . You can also check out long wigs that are up to 40 inches long! Isn't that amazing? It's really important to make your order in advance if you want your hair bundles, extensions or wigs to be ready for all the holidays that are coming up!


What do you think about this store my lovelies? Do you shop for human hair extensions online? What is your experience? What kind of hair color are you using currently? Is ombre style still a thing? Feel free to let me know!

Lots of love,

How to Add Volume to Your Hair

Thick, full-bodied hair is often associated with good health and considered more attractive. But not everyone is blessed with a full head of hair. If you have naturally fine or thin strands and would like to add more volume to your hair, here are a few tips on how you can achieve this:

Hair Extensions
Let’s start with the most obvious solution: hair extensions. These are a godsend for anyone who wants to achieve longer or thicker hair, or who wants to quickly change their hairstyle or color without treating or dyeing their hair. Hair extensions are also great for anyone with naturally fine hair, or for people who are struggling with hair loss or thinning hair. For instant, vavavoom voluminous hair, shop Brazilian deep wave bundles at

These hair extensions are made from premium quality virgin hair, and offer lots of beautiful bounce and shine. They look, feel and move just like natural hair, so no one will be the wiser that you’re wearing hair extensions. Nothing is worse than obviously fake or cheap-looking hair extensions! For a more versatile option, consider getting the Brazilian straight bundles, which can be curled or styled however you want.

Since these hair bundles are extremely well-made and durable, they can withstand regular styling, and can last for years with proper care and maintenance.

Change Your Part
If you don’t want to invest in hair extensions, there are still a few sneaky tricks you can do to add more volume to your hair. One of them is to simply change where you part your hair. Chances are you already have a natural part, where you hair tends to naturally fall. This is also where your hair most lies flat.

Flipping your hair to create a side part creates instant volume at the crown. For more subtle volume, part your hair while it’s still wet, but for maximum volume, try a deep side part with dry hair, then mist lightly with hairspray to hold.

Blow-Dry Your Hair Upside Down
Nothing could be simpler than this technique, yet it’s surprisingly effective if you want natural volume in your hair. Simply flipyour head upside down when you blow dry. Doing this automatically lifts your roots off your scalp and creates extra body. Blow dry your hair until it’s almost dry, then go through it with a round brush for a smooth and sleek yet voluminous look. Don’t forget to spray a heat protectant product before blow drying!
Apply a Texturizing Spray
Another incredibly easy way to add volume to your hair is to apply a sea salt or texturizingspray to your roots. This will also lift your roots off of your scalp and create instant body and volume. This method is perfect for the laidback, casual “beach babe” look.
These are just some of the tips and tricks you can try to add volume to your hair. Do you have any tricks of your own? Be sure to comment and share them!

How To Take Good Care Of Full Lace Wig

If you haven't checked out the full wigs that are made from 100% virgin human hair, you definitely need to! A lace wig is made by hand and is tied on a lace base one strand at a time. As our site mentions, you can enjoy tangle free virgin human hair by purchasing a high-quality Full Lace Wig. A wig will give you complete hair coverage and features silky straight virgin human hair that you'll love.

Since a full lace wig looks great while being worn, it's important to learn how to take proper care of it so that it will stay in great condition. Thankfully full lace wigs are rather easy to take care of. You can gently wash your lace wig if you've used hair products on it, such as hair spray (which we don't recommend by the way). You also can store your wig on a wig head with T-pins to keep it in ready-to-put-on shape before heading out with your full lace wig on.

Here are some more tips that are a bit more detailed so that you will learn how to take care of your full lace wig:

Keep it Away from Extreme Heat

Like all hair, exposing any hair locks to extreme heat will only damage the ends and dry out your cuticles. So if you place your wig on a wig head, be sure to keep it away from heat. Obviously don't place your wig near a fire, heat vent, or anywhere else where it may be damaged from heat over time. Also, when you are wearing your wig don't expose your locks to heat for a long time either. This means don't sit close to a fire and definitely do not use a hair dryer on your lace wig. It will dry out yourhair and cause damage that's hard to repair.

Gently Comb it Out

Like all hair extensions, full lace wigs are very much the same. Except with full lace wigs you need to be extra careful when combing out the hair on the wig. Even though the hair is pretty secure in the lace base, it's still important to be cautious. In order to prevent any hair from getting loose, you'll want to start brushing the hair from the ends to the top, without getting too close to the lace base.
Knowing how often to wash your wig as well as knowing the right techniques for washing your wig is essential to good wig care.

Deep conditioning the hair helps to repair and strengthen the hair and you can use a deep conditioner and apply heat to allow the protein to penetrate the hair and ensure that it remains as healthy as possible and leave to air dry - once or twice a month should be fine.

After the shampoo is evenly dispersed through your wig, it's time to rinse it. Rinse your hair under the warm water and get ready to apply conditioner to the wig next. Now it's time to add a tablespoon of conditioner to a new spray bottle or you can rinse out the shampoo out of the spray bottle and use that instead if that's easier. In the same way you worked through your wig with the shampoo, you'll need to do this with the conditioner.

Once you're done with washing your wig with both shampoo and conditioner, gently rinse it out again for a third time under warm water. Use a towel and gently dry the hair, and afterwards, you'll want to let it dry naturally after you've gotten most of the water out. Don't rub the hair strands against one another - pat dry the hair to prevent any hair breakage from happening.

We hope these tips have helped you understand how to care for your full lace wig. If you take care of it properly it will last you a long time.

Newest Hair Styling Tricks That Every Woman Ought To Know

Hairstyle is one of the vital aspects of beauty that no women can afford to ignore. All women experience bad hair days in their lifetime and well, nobody likes it! Working women and busy moms often run out of ideas about how to style their hair within a few minutes. Since, every women deserves to look good every single day, here’s a list of a few ideas that can really make your day. So, all the gorgeous women out there! Read on to know more about hair styling for looking effortlessly stylish.

1.      Hand buns
Buns are an easier option in your busy morning schedule. To make this simple hairdo, twist your hair with your hand from backward and knot it in a bun in the upper part of your head. Secure it with bobby pins and you are all set to go. This is one of the favourite styles for working professionals as it gives out a sophisticated look without taking much time.
However, due to lesser hair many women do not get the desired look when doing a bun. At that time, availing clip in hair extensions can be a good option which can give you the perfect bun for more elegant look. You could Click Here to get more clip in hair product.

2.      Pony tails
Another hairstyle that requires few minutes is the ponytail. Girls and women of all age love to sport this look as it makes one look prettier without having much hassles. For this look pull all your hair backwards and tie a band around it. You can also secure the sides with bobby pins for keeping the hair intact for longer hours. Hair weave is an option if you think you have lesser hair. Clip on hair can make it look voluminous.

3.      Braids
Since old times, braids have been one of the most fashionable hairstyles across all cultures. A few basic knowhow on a few types of braid can make your day a great one and without much trouble. Fishtail, French, Rope, Dutch are a few braids to name that you can try for getting a prettier look each day.

4.      The hair bow
Sometimes a simple bow on your hair can be enough to make you look pretty. For this look, take a few strands of hair from the sides of your hair and tie a knot to make it look like a bow. This simple hairstyle can be sported with any dress, be it a jeans top combination or a skirt.

5.      The twist
If you have short hair and looking for ways to try out new styles, twisting is the one you will love. In this styling, twist the hair from the back and curl it. Now, secure it with bobby pins in such a way that no edges of your hair can be seen.
At Hairgets you will get plenty of option for styling hair; be it colourful hair or the extensions for the perfect pony tail. Read more at the website and choose one from the numerous options available.

4 Tips to Maintain Your Hair Extensions

Allowing the glorious mind of locks are only feasible for many with the aid of extensions. They be capable of instantly transform the appearance, but there's a necessity to supply ongoing attention and care to prevent difficulties with tangles or damage. Listed here are four ideas to help take proper care of extensions:

Wash lightly

For those who have just had the permanent extensions place in, you need to avoid cleansing the hair for approximately 48 hrs. This provides the extensions lots of time to fully adhere. Following this, the most well-liked shampoo to make use of is silicone-free and sulfate-free. Make certain to clean lightly and massage the roots and scalp to assist split up and take away any debris. Also, follow-track of a frequent conditioner, only make use of this around the ends since the emollients can result in the adhesion dissolving and resulting in the hair extension to drop out. Also, for that clip in extensions, the most well-liked time for you to wash is once every 6 to 8 uses, and lay on the towel to gradually air dry.

Deep condition

Using hot tools and styling products can soon start to possess a negative effect on your hair extensions, it is essential to set up convey a regular schedule of deep conditioning. This could occur once monthly leaving your hair searching shiny and healthy. Deep conditioning is really a procedure for applying a hair mask in the mid-shaft towards the tips and left in position for approximately 25 minutes to improve the moisture content.

Use low alcohol hairspray

Nature hair has the capacity to stay moisture-wealthy due to the oils within our scalp, however these skin oils aren't able to help the extensions since they're not attached straight to the scalp. To assist manage your hair and steer clear of hair searching frazzled it's useful to create your hair utilizing a hairspray. The most well-liked product ought to be low alcohol since the alternatives which are alcohol laden will definitely rapidly lift the present moisture in the extensions.

Keep extensions tangle free

Should you regularly wash your hair late at night, make certain it's left to completely dry before you go to bed. When the locks are left wet there's dangerous of tangling and breakage. You'll be able to control and steer clear of knots within the permanent and glued extensions by loosely braiding the strands before putting the mind lower. This really is impressive at maintaining your hair tangle free leaving your hair with soft waves. Also, the clip-in extensions ought to be removed during the night to prevent difficulties with breakage.

Natural Hair by

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! I am happy to present you today with a a brand new store that all you fashionistas will fall in love with. It's been a while since I wrote to you about online places where I search for something fancy when I want to refresh my hair, so that is what I'm about to share with you today. I hope you will enjoy it and find it useful!

The store I will be talking about today is called Beautyforever and it offers a great variety of hair products such as Brazilian curly hair. They have different products such as human hair weave, hair extensions sorted by type, weight and style, closures and frontals, but also wigs if you would just like to change your hairstyle all together in a second.

Their choice of African American hairstyles is quite wide and trendy. I also love that they are really up to date with following all the latest trend such as ombre hairstyle and many others. You can find all sort of hairs in this store such as Brazilian, Peruvian, Malaysian and Indian. Among other things, here you can find some really great 3 bundle deals. There is also a fashion section for you to check out.

I picked out a few of the products from this store that I found interesting and you can see them on the photos in this post. What do you think about this store? Do you buy products online? What are your experiences? Please share your thoughts!

Lots of love,