Beautiful Black

August 31, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments

Hi babes! August is almost gone but summer heat is still in town! It's boiling 36'C here where I live right now and that's why I'm not moving on to autumn fashion for at least a few more weeks. Today I am doing something I wanted to do for a while, ever since Pool time outfit actually - I am doing a new twist on a monokini! I just love this swimwear so much and it fits so well to my elegant all black style! I didn't incorporate my tassel skirt since Winter sun outfit and I figured that's a shame, soon as tassel is my favorite trend this season. I added some new jewelry and I hope you'll like it!


Zdravo svima! Avgust je skoro gotov, ali leto je još uvek u gradu. Napolju je 36'C dok ovo fotkam i zato mi ne pada na pamet da počinjem da se slikam u jesenjim odevnim kombinacijama bar još neko vreme. Danas radim nešto što nisam radila još od  Pool time outfita : kombinujem monokini u svakodnevnu odevnu kombinaciju! Obožavam kupaće kostime, posebno crne. Takođe nisam nosila crnu suknju sa resama još od Winter sun outfita što je velika šteta s obzirom da su mi rese omiljeni trend ove sezone. Zlatni detalji su tu da dovrše outfit. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti!

I am wearing:
Sunnies: Romwe    
Necklace: Lovelywholesale 
Swimwear as a top: Wholesalebuying
Bracelet: Lovelywholesale 
Skirt: EchoPaul
Bag: Amiclubwear 
Shoes: THbox

What do you think dolls? Do you wear swimwear out of the beach or poolside this summer? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,


Uklanjanje gljivica na noktima laserom

August 27, 2015 Venoma 2 Comments

Zdravo drage moje! Danas sam vam pripremila još jedan u nizu Beauty postova (znam da nije sreda, ali rođendanski gosti su se od mene oprostili tek sinoć kasno u noć tako da ćete mi sigurno oprostiti na mini:) ). Današnja tema jeste jedan poseban tretman koji možete naći u studiju Delight i Laser centru RB - naime u pitanju je uklanjanje gljivica na noktima laserom. Lično nemam ovakvih problema ali poznajem više osoba koje godinama kubure sa njima, pa stoga evo i jednog članka o tome. 

Počnimo od toga šta su gljivične infekcije notkiju

“Gljivice” na noktima, tj. gljivične infekcije noktiju su promene noktiju uzrokovane gljivicama. To je najčešća bolest noktiju i predstavlja oko polovinu svih poremećaja noktiju. Gljivične infekcije noktiju pogađaju od 2-14% odrasle populacije. Oštećenje nokta, često vlaženje šaka i stopala, različita stanja smanjene imunosti, smanjena cirkulacija u donjim delovima udova, kao i smanjenje rasta nokta u starijoj životnoj dobi pogodne su za nastanak ove bolesti.

Koje su mere prevencije?

U sprečavanju razvoja “gljivica” na nogama, ključno je održavanje adekvatnih higijenskih mera i izbegavanje prekomernog izlaganja vlazi. Nadalje, važno je sprovođenje lečenja gljivičnih infekcija stopala (kao što je atletsko stopalo), a kod boravka na javnim mestima poput bazena svakako je potrebno nositi prikladnu obuću. Osobe koje su profesionalno izložene vlažnoj sredini trebaju koristiti zaštitne rukavice na poslu.

Procedura je sigurna i nije potrebna lokalna anestezija! Laserom je moguće precizno tretirati samo zahvaćeno područje, a tokom tretmana moguće je osetiti lagano zagrijavanje. Pacijent oseća blagu toplotu tokom tretmana koji traje svega nekoliko minuta. Može se javiti blagi osećaj bola kao rezultat efekta zagrevanja tkiva laserom. Prilikom tretmana energiju lasera upija pigment gljivica zbog čega se one zagrevaju i to je ono što uzrokuje njihovo odumiranje, a krajnji je rezultat izrastanje zdravog nokta.

Koliko su brzo vidljivi rezultati?

Rezultati nisu odmah vidljivi, nego tokom perioda od nekoliko meseci kako nokat nastavlja zdravi rast. Nokti rastu sporo, tako da se možda neće videti značajno poboljšanje čak i nakon nekoliko meseci, ali će se sigurno videti postepeni rast zdravog nokta.

Uz to, ne postoje neželjeni efekti. Cipele, čarape i lak za nokte se mogu koristiti neposredno posle tretmana, a nema ni oštećenja tkiva i nije potrebno zarastanje. Za više detalja možete se obratiti stručnom osoblju studija Delight i Laser centru RB

Nadam se da će ovaj post biti koristan nekima od vas drage moje! :)

Pratite me na:

Do sledećeg posta,
vaša Venoma


Online shopping: Bridesmaid dresses

August 27, 2015 Venoma 2 Comments

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a lovely Thursday! Today is again one of those days when I will be sharing with you one special shopping corner I found on the Internet! Yes, you got it right, it's time for another one of my ''online shopping'' posts, this time in the category of ''special event shopping''. We will be checking out where you can find some amazing bridesmaid dresses!

Bridesmaid dresses are pretty much most important dresses on the wedding, right after a wedding dress and right next to mother of bride dresses. I just love seeing how innovative brides and bridesmaids can be nowadays. There are so many amazing dresses to chose from when it comes to great online stores like Pickweddingdresses ! This store has the largest selection of stunning wedding dresses and modest bridesmaid dresses under one roof. They offer their collections at up to 80% off the retail prices for unbelievable savings. They are dedicated to providing the optimum in selection, price, and customer service.

It was so hard for me to pick my favorites, but I went with the royal blue dresses with embellishment and those lovely lace mermaid creamy violet dresses. What are your favorites girls? What would you like your bridesmaids to wear? Please share your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!

Lots of love,


Back to Jeans

August 24, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments

Hello my sweeties. I am writing this post to be ready for the day of my return from beautiful Venice. I hope I will get some free time to share with you my (second) experience of that beautiful Italian city. In the mean time, I've prepared so many lovely new items to show you in today's outfit! Crop top from Jexshop, beautiful Egyptian style necklace from Lightinthebox and my new favorite bag from Ladyqueen are matching perfectly with skinny jeans and lace up heels. I hope you will like it huns! P.S. a special 15% coupon is waiting for you at the end of the post!


Zdravo drage moje! Ovaj post vam pišem unapred kako bi vas sačekao dan nakon što se vratim iz Venecije. Nadam se da ću imati vremena da sa vama podelim i svoje (drugo) iskustvo posete ovom predivnom italijanskom gradu. U međuvremenu, imam toliko toga da vam pokažem! Novi crop top, nova ogrlica i nova torba su danas na meniju. Stilizovala sam ih sa uskim farmerkama i štiklama na pertlanje. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! P.S. čeka vas kod za popust na kraju posta!

I am wearing: 
Top: Jexshop   Sunnies: Freyrs
Necklace: Lightinthebox (here)    Bag: Ladyqueen 
Jeans: Choies    Shoes: SheIn 

Share your thoughts dolls! Happy shopping!

Lots of love,


Svilene trepavice iskustvo + Outfit

August 17, 2015 Venoma 16 Comments

Hey babes! Happy Monday! Today I got a few new stuff to show you and I'm supper excited about them! First of all are these lovely cat-like sunnies with a gorgeous white frame. I saw them first at The blonde salad and I knew I had to get one pair for myself asap! They arrived a while ago straight from Dressgal and I'm not taking them off ^^ Enjoy the pics!


Zdravo dragi moji! Danas imam nekoliko novih stvarčica da vam pokažem i veoma sam uzbuđena zbog toga! Ono što ste sigurno prvo uočili jesu bele mačkaste naočare koje sam prvi put videla kod The blonde salad i odmah sam znala da ih moram imati! Baš su interesantan detalj za jedan elegantni letnji outfit post. Uživajte!

I am wearing:
Sunnies: Dressgal
Dress: Rosewholesale
Bags: Oasap
Shoes: Tally Weijl

Second thing I wanted to share with you is that I got eyelashes extensions last week - so called ''silk lashes''. There is one silk lash glued to every one of my extended natural eyelashes. I am trying them out and I took a picture for you to see them up close. I am wearing NO mascara and a few lashes fell off in the last few days (just as they fall off usually, nothing more). They are supposed to last for a month and I'll let you know what is the effect on my lashes and if I will do this treatment again. My first impression is that they are huge (around 3 times larger than my natural eyelashes) and elegant and quite adorable. It's been a few days and I'm happy for now. I'll let you know how it evolves.


Druga stvar koju želim da podelim sa vama jeste moje iskustvo sa stavljanjem svilenih trepavica koje sam uradila prošle nedelje. Ovaj proces je jednostavan i traje između pola sata i sat vremena. Po jedna svilena trepavica se lepi na svaku vašu prirodnu trepavicu. Na slici ispod ne nosim maskaru kako biste mogli bolje da vidite efekat svilenih trepavica. Nekoliko trepavica je otpalo u prvih par dana, ali ne više od onoliko koliko bi i prirodnih otpalo za taj period. Rečeno mi je da mogu da izdrže mesec dana, jer toliko treba trepavicama da se prirodno zamene, što znači da će svilene trepavice otpasti sa njima. Moj prvi utisak je da su svilene trepavice vrlo upadljive i lako postižu WOW efekat. Cena koju sam ja platila za jednu ugradnju jeste 1300 rsd što je, po mom mišljenju, povoljno za tretman koji se ponavlja jednom mesečno.  Pošto su jako velike, malo mi smetaju jer spavam na stomaku i moram da izbegavam naslanjanje lica na bilo šta jer umeju da zabole ako ih zakačim ili slučajno povučem. Osim toga, trenutno sam jako zadovoljna njima. Videćemo kako će se situacija razvijati. Predlažem da ne preterujete sa dužinom svilenih trepavica kao ja, jer su moje između duplo i troduplo duže od mojih prirodnih trepavica. Kada se stavi maskara na njih, dobija se efekat raskošnih veštačkih trepavica.

So what do you think about my outfit and my new lashes dearies? Do you have any experience with silk eyelashes? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,


Very Navy

August 10, 2015 Venoma 12 Comments

Stripes + Biggest flare pants ever + Sparkly details + Summer hat + Big white cross body bag 
= today's outfit!

I had a blast this weekend on Gruvljak and I sold some of the stuff that I've been piling up over the years. But there are still so many stuff left that I want to get rid of so I lowered the prices on all of them - it's BLOG SALE time + I added bunch of jewelry for sale and you can check it all out here. Also, have you noticed my new blog design? I've applied it all by myself so do forgive me if it's still a bit messy, but do share your thoughts on it.

This outfit is one of my favorites this summer. I just love flare so much and these pants are so amazing! I also tried out those super trendy golden fake tattoos. I bought a few in Newyorker for around 4 euros and I must admit they are cute to look at and very radiant, but when it comes to quality, there are absolutely awful. You can put them on and make an Instagram pic very fast, because as soon as something touches them, they will start falling off. If you need something to stay all day long on your skin, this is not it. I will use the rest of them to make some pretty photos and that's pretty much it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my outfit today!

P.S. don't forget to enter my blogbirthday GIVEAWAY, only a few days left!


Pruge + najšire duboke pantalone ikada + svetlucajući detalji + letnji šeširić + velika bela torba preko ramena = današnji outfit!

Sjajno sam se provela danas na Gruvljaku gde sam se rešila jednog dela stvari koje su se gomilale godinama. Ipak, ostalo ih je i previše, takod a pravim veliku JESENJU BLOG RASPRODAJU upravo OVDE. ''Pospremila'' sam i blog - sviđa li vam se novi dizajn?

Današnji outfit je najklasičniji letnji outfit koji bih mnogo rađe nosila na Azurnoj obali, na primer, nego u Beogradu. Sa vama danas delim i svoju zaljubljenost u privremene zlatne i srebrne tetovažice. Kupila sam nekoliko komada i dobila strašnu želju da ih zalepim sve odjednom! Ne znam kako sam se suzdržala. Sva sreća pa se relativno brzo skidaju, pa mogu da ih često menjam. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Hat: Jamaica shop   Necklace: Happiness Boutique 
Blouse: SH shop   Bag: Lucluc
 Bracelet: Soufeel  Charms: Soufeel 
Pants: Dressgal 
Shoes: Tally Weijl

What do you think babies? What are your august plans? I'd love to hear it all!

P.S. at Soufeel they provide free shipping and 365-day return service, so that you can enjoy a risk-free shopping experience there! Here is an extra 5% off coupon code: BLOG5, with which you can 
save extra 5% on any orders.

Lots of love,


Online shopping: OrderWigsOnline

August 07, 2015 Venoma 0 Comments

Hello my lovely cupcakes! Isn't it a lovely Friday today? It might be very hot outside, but that is just one more reason for you to enjoy my posts either on the beach or inside when it's not boiling. Today I have prepared for you a brend new ''online shopping'' post where we won't be discussing the usual clothes and shoes. Today we will be talking about brand new store where you can find human hair wigs online!

So today we will be checking out together a store called Orderwigsonline. They provide you with the highest quality of 100% human hair cheap full lace wigs and lace front wig, Indian remy hair and virgin hair, Chinese remy and virgin hair, Malaysian and Brazilian remy hair. They also have in their offer lace frontals, synthetic hair, silk top lace wigs, think skin lace wigs and many other interesting products that all you wigs lovers might find interesting.

Honestly it is so much easier to just get the wigs these days instead paying all money you have on hairstylists. Trends are changing so fast that it's becoming impossible to keep up with them and keep the quality of your hair the same. Whether you are a curious lace front wig newbie, or a full lace wig veteran, wearer and connoisseur, in Orderwigsonline you have come to the right place for style, sophistication and one-on-one customer care.

This store has already served more than 10.000 happy costumers. I checked out some of the costumer's photos and reviews and all the wigs look pretty dashing and realistic. You can check it out yourself! In the meantime, please do share your experience on wigs, buying wigs online and your favorite type of wigs, I would love to hear that! Share your thoughts my lovely cupcakes!

Lots of love,


Boho moments

August 04, 2015 Venoma 13 Comments

Style I've been gravitating towards lately in these hot summer days is a mix of bohemian, sporty and chic. In short: I am chilling like it's my last week of vacation ever. I hope you enjoy my post!

P.S. don't forget about our BIG BLOGBIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY !


Stil mi ovih vrućih letnjih dana gravitira ka opuštenim bohemskim momentima i udobnosti. Ove nedelje uživam kao da mi je ovo poslednji godišnji odmor ikada. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Hat: no name   Necklace: Romwe
Shirt: Calliope   Pants: Dressgal   
Bag: Dresslink    Filp-flops: Adidas

What do you think sweeties? Let me know, I'd like to read it, all right?

Lots of love,


BIG GIVEAWAY / 5th Blog Birthday (CLOSED)

August 03, 2015 Venoma 21 Comments

Dragi moji, verovali ili ne, na današnji dan pre 5 godina sam objavila svoj prvi post na tadašnjem Venoma's fashion diary a današnjem Venoma Fashion Freak blogu. I kakvih je to samo sjajnih 5 godina bilo! Uglavnom iskoristim blogorođendan da se podsetim svih lepih stvari koje mi je ovaj blog doneo, ali kako sam to uradila nadugo i naširoko za 4. blogorođendan, ovaj put neću toliko dužiti sa tim.

Ova 5. godina blogovanja je donela i neke novotarije kao što je na primer promena boje kose (ne nakon 5, nego čak 10 godina vernosti mojoj vatreno-crvenoj boji), zatim evoluciju mog stila iz nečeg akcentovano mračnog u nešto svetlije sa neizostavnim elementima crne. Možda ste primetili da manje posećujem fashion-related događaje, što je tačno jer zaista više nemam vremena da izdvojim za njih s obzirom da sam ja part-time a ne full-time modni bloger. Međutim, potrudila sam se da vam to nadoknadim beauty postovima kao i kolekcijama zanimljivih online članaka. Takođe sam se potrudila da neke stvari ostanu iste: ovde uvek možete naći najnovije radnje na internetu, najsvežije outfite sa inkorporiranim najnovijim trendovima, kao i moju volju da vam odgovorim na sva pitanja u komentarima i mejlovima!

Kako je 5 godina blogovanja poprilično ''ozbiljna'' cifra, ovoga puta sam želela da učinim nešto za vas dragi moji, da vam zahvalim na tome što ste mi sve ovo omogućili, jer da nema vas, ne bi bilo ni ovog bloga! Stoga sam vam u ovom blogorođendanskom GIVEAWAY-u pripremila čak TRI poklon paketa koji se sastoje iz stvarčica koje su se VAMA dopale u prethodnim outfit postovima! Svaki nagradni paket se sastoji od 2 artikla, tako da ima za svakoga ponešto. Artikli nisu nošeni osim za review za blog, a kako izgledaju iz prve ruke možete videti na fotkama!


Hey my lovely cupcakes! Believe it or not, today is exactly 5 years since my first post on then Venoma's fashion diary and today Venoma Fashion Freak blog. It's been quite a ride! Usually I use these blog birthdays to reflect on my blogging past, but I believe I did quite enough of that for my 4th blog birthday

Anyway, in the 5th year few interesting things happened: first, I changed my hair color (and that's not quite after 5 years, but after 10 to be honest). Also my style evolved from something quite dark to something lighter with elements of black which you might have noticed during the last year. I visited less events but started writing some beauty posts for you as well as my favorite online reads. I almost completely refocused from local shopping to online shopping. But, some things stayed the same! On Venoma Fashion Freak you can always find fresh stores to check out, always new outfits with latest trends incorporated and of course me answering to your comments and e-mails.

Soon as 5 is a big number, I wanted to do something for you guys on today's blogbirthday just to thank you for everything you did for me, soon as this blogs wouldn't be happening without your support. So I decided to organise a giveaway for you with some of YOUR favorites from my previous outfit posts! Unfortunately, I have to apologize to all my international readers, this giveaawy is open only to Republic of Serbia. But I want you to know that I love all of you as well and that I am very grateful for everything. I hope you will be reading my blog in years to come!

Evo i pravila naše nagradne igre! Kako biste osvojili jedan od nagradnih paketa potrebno je da:

1. Pratite Venoma Fashion Freak blog preko Google Friend Connect-a (box sa desne strane pri vrhu stranice)

2. Pratite Venoma Fashion Freak blog na 
Facebook-u OVDE 

3. Ostavite komentar sa svojim imenom, nick-ovima i e-mail adresom

To je sve! Možete se prijaviti za jedan, dva ili sva tri paketa, samo ih rangirajte u komentaru skladu sa tim koji biste najviše voleli da osvojite. Ne morate ostavljati duple ili troduple komentare za svaki nagradni paket pojedinačno.


ZNU haljina je veličine S/M; Batgirl majica je veličine S/M; ostali artikli su univerzalne veličine;
Giveaway je otvoren samo za građane sa boravištem u Republici Srbiji.
Možete se prijaviti više puta samo ukoliko imate više e-mail adresa i stoga različitih profila na svim mrežama.

TRI srećna dobitnika će biti odabrani putem za 10 dana odnosno 13. avgusta. Troškovi poštarine će biti pokriveni sa moje strane.

P.S. rasprodaja viška garderobe iz mog ormana se inače održava na Mojim krpicama ovde preko cele godine, a ove nedelje specijalno i na Gruvljaku jer mesta za jesenju garderobu u ormanu se mora napraviti! Ko se javi na Krpicama ili Gruvljaku i naglasi da prati blog dobija 10% popusta na sve artikle! :)

I još jednom, srećno drage moje! I hvala vam na ovom divnom druženju u proteklih 5 godina. Nadam se da ćemo ga nastaviti i u godinama pred nama!


13. avgusta preko su izabrana 3 srećna dobitnika

prvo je izvučen br. 10 (Radoslava) čiji je prvi izbor bio drugi paket, zatim broj 19 Ana, čiji je drugi izbor bio prvi paket i na kraju Tatjana koja se prijavila samo za treći. Čestitam drage moje! :) Primićete mejlove od mene veoma uskoro :) Hvala svima koji su učestvovali!

Do sledećeg posta,
Vaša Venoma