Zara autumn/winter 2010/2011 new collection
Evo napokon i posta o Zari :D
Finally, as I promissed, here's a post about new Zara collection :D
Znate kako, sve sto sam u stanju da pretocim u reci je samo delic onoga sto se zapravo nalazi u radnjama - kao i svake godine, redovno flipnem za nekim Zarinim komadom - ali ovde godine ga bas preterah xD Imaju strasno zanimljivo kolekciju, posebno kad se uzme u obzir moja novonastala manija za krznom 0.0 Pre svega sve pohvale za SAJT. Jeste da jos nema cena u dinarima, ali ovo je mnoooogo bolje od onoga sto je bilo, potpuno sam odusevljena.
To be honest, it can't all be described with words - you will have to go see it for yourself to get the right impression ;) Every year I go crazy about at least one Zara piece - but this year I really went too far xD Their new collection is very interesting, especially because of my latest "fur-frenzy" 0.0 Before everything else, I have only compliments for their site, it looks a lot better then it did earlier.
E sad prelazimo na stvari koje su mi se dopale /
And now moving on to the stuff I liked:

Ove dve preslatke majice, belu sa zekom i crnu sa strasom vec posedujem :D Strasno sam slaba na Zarine majice, mnogo su dobre, kvalitetne, lepo stoje i sve sto ide uz to :) Jesam ih preplatila, sada jedna kosta 1590din, sto je bacanje para na majicu, ali sta cu kad volim. Nazalost, tim majicama nikad ne snize cenu za razliku od ostalih artikala u Zari koji kad-tad odu na rasprodaju.
This two gorgeus t-shirts I already own :D White with a bunny and black with glitter, I'm completely in love with Zara basic t-shirts every season :) I did pay a little too much for them, they are around 16euros each, but what can I do when I like them so much. Unfortunatly, these t-shirts never get so sale, like other items in Zara.

Ovo su mi cetiri favorita medju haljinicama sa sajta. U radnji sam videla samo dve. Medjutim, kao sto sam vec pominjala
ovde, kvalitet u nasim Zarama je srednje zalostan, stoga ovo zaista dobro izgleda na slici ali ne tako dobro u prirodi.
These four are my favorites in dresses on the site. In the shop I saw only two. I happened to mention already that the quality in our Zara shops here in Belgrade is pretty pour, so the dresses really look better on the site then in the shop.

Evo jos malo mojih favorita, medjutim, oni izgledaju dosta dobro i u radnji, posebno ovaj drugi prsluk, iako nije moj fazon - devojke su se vec grabile oko njega.
Here's few more of my favorites, they look very good in the shop too, especially the second vest, tho it's not my style - girls are fighting over it already.

Eeee ovo je pravo savrsenstvo ako mene pitate. :) Imam slican ovakav u crnoj boji, kupljen u Firenci, i ne bi mi smetalo da nabavim i beli - stvarno je mnogo, mnogo lep...
This is pure perfection if you aks me :) I have similar coat only black, bought in Florence, and I wouldn't ming getting a white one too - it's really really beaytiful...

Evo jos dve stvarcice koje bih rado nosila - crne peep-toe salonke sa masnom i slatka ala-chanel tasnice (svi prave ala chanel tasnice u poslednje dve-tri sezone). Na srecu ili nesrecu, probala sam cipele i ne stoje mi nesto. Kostaju 6000 sto nije puno uzevsi u obzir kakve su. Tasnica ne znam koliko kosta ali pretpostavljam da je precenjena.
Here's two more things I liked a lot - black peep-toe heels with bows and cute ala-chanel bag. Fortunatly on unfortunatly, the shoes don't really fit me. They cost around 60euros, not much for such a pretty thing. I don't know the price of the bag, I guess it's overrated as they ussualy are in Zara.

Ovo je nesto vrlo vrlo zanimljivo xD Ja sam iskreno umrla od smeha kad sam videla. Boja je neka bljak ako mene pitate.. Ovo sa desne strane su shalovi. Dakle i ovo dole desno je shal u punom krugu xD A ono gore levo... Na etiketi pise "carape" xD A kao sto vidite idu i rukavice u kompletu.. Ne znam zasto mi je ceo ovaj komplet toliko smesan, verovatno zato sto bi licili na lovca na medvede kad bi sve ovo stavili na sebe xD Osim sto vam za dato zadovoljstvo treba oko 100 eura...
Now this is something very interesting xD I laughed like crazy when I saw this - colour is awful tho.. On the right side we have scarfs. That means, this thing in lower right corner is a full-circle scarf too xD And this upper left thing - it says "socks" on the label xD And as you can see, furry glowes go with it.. I don't know why do I find all this so hilarious, probably beacuse I'd look like a bear hunter if I wore all this xD Except that, it all costs around 100 euros - a bit too much for something like this, don't you think..
All pics taken from
Jos jedan mali shopping report sutra ili prekosutra ;)
By: Venoma
Thanks :))
ReplyDeleteI love shopping at zara, I enjoy the sweaters that you posted here, they look so warm and comfy
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked my choice :)))
ReplyDeleteoh divna divna zara
ReplyDeletemada me nervira njihov stajling na sajtu, bolje da su samo stavili stvari na beloj pozadini + primer na lutki kao netaporter
neke stvari sam primetila tek kad sam otishla u prodavnicu, buduci da su online bile ukombinovane katastrofa
Basically loving everything about this post! From the skirts to the coats to the dresses and vests....seriously dope.
LOVE all those looks especially the white coat! I've always wanted one but it's never cold where I live..haha.
Jennifer & Sherry
Mmmmmmmm... that bag... want it want it want it.
Jelena, treba nas zatvoriti tamo i ostaviti na par dana :D
ReplyDeleteJ&S you're really lucky, I hate cold weather ;)
S., I like it too :)))