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August 24, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments

Hello my sweeties. I am writing this post to be ready for the day of my return from beautiful Venice. I hope I will get some free time to share with you my (second) experience of that beautiful Italian city. In the mean time, I've prepared so many lovely new items to show you in today's outfit! Crop top from Jexshop, beautiful Egyptian style necklace from Lightinthebox and my new favorite bag from Ladyqueen are matching perfectly with skinny jeans and lace up heels. I hope you will like it huns! P.S. a special 15% coupon is waiting for you at the end of the post!


Zdravo drage moje! Ovaj post vam pišem unapred kako bi vas sačekao dan nakon što se vratim iz Venecije. Nadam se da ću imati vremena da sa vama podelim i svoje (drugo) iskustvo posete ovom predivnom italijanskom gradu. U međuvremenu, imam toliko toga da vam pokažem! Novi crop top, nova ogrlica i nova torba su danas na meniju. Stilizovala sam ih sa uskim farmerkama i štiklama na pertlanje. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! P.S. čeka vas kod za popust na kraju posta!

I am wearing: 
Top: Jexshop   Sunnies: Freyrs
Necklace: Lightinthebox (here)    Bag: Ladyqueen 
Jeans: Choies    Shoes: SheIn 

Share your thoughts dolls! Happy shopping!

Lots of love,