4 Breast Augmentation Myths Busted!

December 02, 2020 Venoma 0 Comments


Are you thinking about undergoing breast augmentation surgery, but aren't sure if it's right for you?

Breast augmentation can help improve your confidence and self-esteem and enhance your appearance. Unfortunately, many women steer clear of breast augmentation surgery due to all of the myths surrounding the procedure.

Check out this guide to learn about the top breast augmentation myths that need to be debunked.

1. Breast Implants Are Not Safe

One of the biggest myths surrounding breast augmentation surgery is that breast implants are not safe. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved breast implants as medical devices.

Getting approved by the FDA involves passing a set of rigorous tests that put into question the safety and effectiveness of the device. So, because implants are FDA approved, you can rest assured knowing that they're safe and that you won't suffer from any major health complications.

While you may have heard rumors that breast implants are linked to cancer and other types of serious diseases, the truth is, the scientific community has been unable to prove that any such link actually exists. As long as you take care of yourself properly after surgery and you choose a professional, experienced surgeon, you won't have to worry about any health complications.

2. You Need to Replace Your Implants Every 10 Years

Many people are under the assumption that after undergoing breast augmentation by Dr. Placik, you need to replace your implants every 10 years.

While your implants will need to be replaced eventually, the truth is, there is no designated time period for removal and replacement. Breast implants are rather durable and can withstand a considerable amount of pressure. Therefore, you may find that you get to keep your implants for much longer than 10 years before replacing them.

3. Saline Implants Are Safer Than Silicone Ones 

Many people will tell you to opt for saline implants because they're safer than silicone implants. However, both implants are safe and approved by the FDA, and which type of implant you opt for is really a matter of personal choice.

Many people find that silicone implants feel similar to natural breast tissue, whereas saline implants have a firmer texture to them. It's very rare for either implant to rupture, but if a saline implant does rupture, the salt water inside of it is completely natural and can be absorbed by the body.

4. Getting Breast Implants Means You Can't Breastfeed

Another common myth surrounding breast augmentation is that breast implants prevent you from being able to breastfeed. However, this is not the case.

Should you choose to breastfeed your children, implants won't get in the way of you doing so. The most common location for a breast implant incision leaves the milk ducts intact, so your breastfeeding abilities won't be affected.

Are You Ready for Breast Augmentation Surgery? 

Now that you've read this guide, it's time for you to decide if breast augmentation surgery is right for you. If the answer is yes, then it's time to start researching plastic surgeons in your area.

And, be sure to check back in with our blog for more plastic surgery tips and tricks.