Showing posts with label my stuff. Show all posts

Novo prstenje iz H&M / New in rings from H&M

New Aldo accessories / Novi Aldo prstencici

Novi nakit od Srecnih Srecica / New jewelry from Srecne Srecice

Watch-ring - best accessory this year

Srcolike slusalice / Heart-shaped headphones

I heart narrow belts

NewYorker accessories

Shopping at Jane Doe's vintage shop

Today I'm reading... Elle collections

Novo prstenje iz Six-a / New Six rings

Novi crni rajfovi - New black headbands

Posto sam se nedavno oshishala pa me duzina kose sprecava da je vezem u rep, morala sam pod hitno da nabavim neki novi rajf za svaki dan, s obzirom da su oni koje sam prethodno posedovala nesrecno zavrsili na razlicite nacine x) Nisam imala ni vremena ni para da se preterano bakcem time u poslednje vreme, tako da mi je onaj cika sto stoji preko puta zeleznicke stanice i prodaje mindjuse za 100din a rajfove za 50din spasio zivot. Mislim da te cene ne mozete vise naci ni u Bloku 70 (kod Kineza). Prezadovoljna sam njima. :)

Since I recently cut my hair so its lenght now prevents me from making a tail, I had to urgently get some new headbands for every day, given that previously owned ones unfortunately ended up in different ways x) I had no time or money to bother too much with this lately, so the men that stands opposite to the railway station and sells the earrings and headbands for very small money saved my life. I think these prices you can not find in Block 70 (Chinese). I am very happy with them. :)

Nove cizme za sneg / New snow boots

Mislim da sam pomenula pre neki dan kako planiram da kupim cizme za sneg. Snega smo u Beogradu videli tek u najavi (iako je veci deo Evrope zavejan), ali ja stvarno ne zelim da provodim dane gledajuci u pasulj/nebo/vremensku prognozu i predvidjam hoce li pasti ili ne. Treba biti spreman :D Osim toga, veliki faktor u ovoj kupovini je igrala moja zaljubljenost u doticni par buckastih O'neill cizama (slicne kao moon boots), koje sam merkala neko duze vreme u Beosport radnjama u Ziri i u Uscu. Prakticno sam jedva cekala da padne sneg da imam savrsen izgovor za ovu kupovinu xD

I think I mentioned the other day that I plan to buy winter boots. Snow in Belgrade we saw only in the announcement (although big part of Europe is under it right now), but I really do not want to spend my days looking at the beans / sky / weather forcast, and predict whether it will fall or not. One should be ready :D Besides, a big factor in this purchase was that I fell in love with this pair of O'neill boots (very alike moon boots), which I was looking at for a very long time in Beosport stores. Practically, I could hardly wait for snow to fall so I could have perfect excuse for this purchase xD

Mndjuse na poklon / Earings as a gift

 Nedavno su dve moje koleginice nekako dosle na ideju da mi nisu kupile poklon za rodjendan (koji je bio u avgustu o.O) i da bi to stvaaarno nije u redu. Na sta sam se ja potpuno frapirala. Posto su takve kakve su tvrdoglave (svako ko se druzi sa mnom iz nekog razloga ima tu karakteristiku) ja sam nedavno zavrsila sa dva para novih mindjusa u svojoj izdasnoj kolekciji :)  I ovim putem se zahvaljujem Tam i Sashi jos jednom na ukazanoj paznji i porucujem im da ih puno volim (znaju one to, al' posto ne pricam cesto takve stvari, evo da se iskupim preko svog bloga xD ).

Recently two of my friends from faculty came to an idea that they still haven't bought me a birthday present (tho my birthday was in august) o.O and they thought that's just so wrong. I personaly thought they are just acting silly :) But, soon as they are at least as stubborn as I am, I ended up with two new pairs of earings this week :) I would like to thank Tam and Sasha again, and tell them I love them a lot (they know that, but I'm not a 'love-showing' kind of person, so I thougth to make up for it a bit through my blog xD ).

Nove ooops cizme sa krznom / New ooops boots with fur

Ako ste slucajno pomislili da sam zavrsila sa kupovinom cizmi ove sezone, znajte da nisam :D Jos slatkih stvarcica je zavrsilo u mom ormanu i cipelarniku, neke su jos u planu ali do toga verovatno nece doci zbog opste nestasice novca u mom novcaniku, ali sta sad - uvek mogu da sanjarim :D Evo mog najnovijeg ulova:

If you happened to think that I have completed the purchase of boots this season, know that I did not: D More sweet things ended up in my wardrobe and shoe locker, some are still in the plan but this probably won't happen due to a general shortage of money in my wallet, but what now - I can always daydream : D Here's my latest catch:

Gde kupiti papuce za po kuci / Where to buy home slippers :D

I love gifts vol.1 :)

Ljudovi, ovo je bila jedna vrlo, vrlo teska nedelja za mene. Medjutim, posto je ovo iskljucivo blog namenjen necemu lepom, a ne ruznom, o tome ovde necu pisati. Niti sad, niti ikada. Ruzne stvari treba zaboraviti, a lepe pamtiti :)

Iako je ovo bila jedna jako gadna nedelja, bilo je nekoliko svetlih tacaka. Naime, u nekom trenutku sam razmisljala da odem da "ogrebem" neku srecku, mozda dobijem nesto, posto me je, bar (i jedino) u toj sferi bas krenulo ove nedelje.

Idem ja tako Uscem (kao i obicno) i naletim na jednog starog poznanika, stilistu koji je radio sa mnom na jednoj emisiji na b92 pre jedno dve-tri godine. Covek me nije odmah prepoznao xD U Fashion&Friends-u, radi neku promociju one Kardashians serije, devojke se preoblace i pokusavaju da lice na Kardashians sestre, a najbolje osvajaju put za L.A. :) Mnogo mi je bilo milo da ga vidim, a i on se silno obradovao kada me je prepoznao :D Kaze da ima posla, sto mi je drago da cujem, jer se kod nas malo sta isplati a kamoli moda. U medjuvremenu mi je poklonio jednu kesicu kao mali znak paznje. A ja najvise volim male znakove paznje :D Vise i od ogromnih i skupih poklona (iskreno!) :)

Evo kako je to izgledalo:

Ppl, this has been a very hard week for me. I'm exhausted and totally drained. I'm not gonna talk about it, because this is my little place for beautiful, not ugly things from my life. Beautiful is what I hope that I'll remember one day, and ugly is what I hope to forget soon.

There was a few highlights in this week what so ever. I even thought for a while that I should go on play one of those "scratch" games, maybe I could win something - I was on winning everywhere on random!

So, as ussal, I was walking around "Usce" (my fav shopping mall) when I bumped into an old friend, a stylist that I cooparated with few years ago on one show for b92 (our local tv station). He didn't recognize me at first, but when he did, he was as happy to see me as I was happy to see him :D He was in Fashion&Friends shop, doing some promotion on that Kardashian show - girls were dressing up as Kardashian sisters, and the best could win a trip to L.A. He said to me that he has a lot of work, which I was so happy to hear, because it's hard to earn for living anywhere in this country, not to mention fashion. In the meantime, he gave me a small present - and small presents are what i love the most :D

Here it is:

My purchases from Grazia shopping night / Moji ulovi sa Grazia shopping night-a

Je l' da da nije u redu da vas predugo drzim u neizvesnosti? x) Evo mojih ulova sa shopping night-a:
Isn't that right that I shouldn't keep you in the dark for too long? x) Here are my latest purchases from shopping night:

Moji noktici / My nails :)

Autumn here I come (Shopping report) :D

Koliko sam do sada primetila, kada se pise post o nekom novom artiklu koji ce uskoro biti uvrsten u stalnu postavku necijeg ormana, prvo se to najavi par postova ranije, pa se okaci slika samo kese, pa onda samo kutije, i tako neki tease-ovi... Medjutim, ja sam po prirodi nestrpljiva osoba :D I stoga cu odmah sa vama podeliti sta sam kupila :D Ako ste procitali nekoliko postova ranije moju jesenje/zimsku dilemu, mozda mozete i pretpostaviti ;) Dakle, evo su sve slicice odjednom :D


How much I have noticed so far, when a girl is writting a post on a blog about something she bought, it all starts from announcement few posts before, than a picture of the bag, then a picture of the box or something, and then, at the end, picture of the cloth or shoes... But I'm just too impaintent for such a procedure :D So I might just put all that in only one post :D If you read my blog earlier, you might have some idea what did I bought ;) Here it is :D

I love you heart-shape (:

Moram priznati da mi je oblik srca jedan od najomiljenijih motiva za nakit, torbice i druge stvarcice. Necu razglabati previse o simolici, sasvim je jasna-srce reprezentuje ljubav, toplinu, brigu, paznju, pozitivnu energiju i tako dalje. A ja volim da sam okruzena time :) Evo raznih mojih stvarcica u obliku srca, sa lokacijama na kojima su nabavljene. Uzivajte :D


I must addmit that heart shape is one of my favorite motives of jewelry, bags and other small stuff. I won't write a lot about it's symbolism, it's quite clear - heart represents love, warmth, caring, attention, positive energy and so on. And I love to be surruonded by those emotions :) Here's a variety of my heart-shapped stuff, with locations where I bought them, but mostly on Serbian language except those branded ones. Enjoy :)

Rajf kupljen na Bulevaru