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Nove cizme za sneg / New snow boots

Mislim da sam pomenula pre neki dan kako planiram da kupim cizme za sneg. Snega smo u Beogradu videli tek u najavi (iako je veci deo Evrope zavejan), ali ja stvarno ne zelim da provodim dane gledajuci u pasulj/nebo/vremensku prognozu i predvidjam hoce li pasti ili ne. Treba biti spreman :D Osim toga, veliki faktor u ovoj kupovini je igrala moja zaljubljenost u doticni par buckastih O'neill cizama (slicne kao moon boots), koje sam merkala neko duze vreme u Beosport radnjama u Ziri i u Uscu. Prakticno sam jedva cekala da padne sneg da imam savrsen izgovor za ovu kupovinu xD

I think I mentioned the other day that I plan to buy winter boots. Snow in Belgrade we saw only in the announcement (although big part of Europe is under it right now), but I really do not want to spend my days looking at the beans / sky / weather forcast, and predict whether it will fall or not. One should be ready :D Besides, a big factor in this purchase was that I fell in love with this pair of O'neill boots (very alike moon boots), which I was looking at for a very long time in Beosport stores. Practically, I could hardly wait for snow to fall so I could have perfect excuse for this purchase xD