Bare shoulders

Hi bunnies! I just came back from my first Easter this Sunday, soon as you might know, I celebrate both of them. This year there is almost a month between them. The good news about having two Easters is that I get to eat more delicious food. The bad news is, I have no control over how much delicious food I eat in those moments! Though life, right?

Anyway, this is one of my first official spring outfits. I hope you'll like it!

I am wearing:

Sunnies: Emblem Eyewear
Watch: Mockberg 
Clutch: Prettyguide
Shoes:  Amiclubwear

What do you think dolls? Are you happy spring is finally here?

Lots of love,


Summer instincts: Palazzo pants

Once upon a time summer used to be a great fun with those pillow fights among siblings, hanging out with cousins and looking forward to visits at some distant relatives. Ideal afternoons were always full of charm. Unfortunately summer is no more what it once used to be. For us adults, vacation has become a distant memory. Now trifle afternoons are replaced by work, meetings and appointments and on top of all these we are expected to be productive in all circumstances. At least we have summer fashion at our end to drown our sorrows in. And, what could be more comforting than the soft flowy sartorial wonder i.e. the palazzo pants.
Well, if you too have been left with no option, find solace in these wonderful trousers for women 
Palazzo pants are another category in women’s trousers usually having loose wide legs flaring from the waist. They are usually made from soft fabric and are very comfortable during summer. They come in a large number of styles, colour, fabric and prints and palazzos online is a great place to find the most flattering piece according to your body type and personal taste.

Check the following tips to style your palazzos:

1.       Feminine and elegant
If you too feel tired of wearing the same trousers for women, it’s time to slip into one of those comfortable palazzos. Team your palazzo with a lace blouse for a flirty and feminine look. Or be fabulously elegant with your classic white tee and pairing it with some statement pieces.

2.       The denim hangover
Explore the summer madness without any inhibition. Get in the vibe and slip into a palazzo. Layer it with a denim shirt or maybe a denim vest to keep it stylish. Explore palazzos online to find the best style that suits you.

3.       Out on the street
A floral palazzo is perfect for summers. Pair it with a slouchy top and get street ready. You can team it with either sneakers or platform sandals. You can also wear a cute scarf for an effortless look. Pair it with a crop top, add a hat and look summer ready. Browse palazzos online and choose from a range of styles.

4.       Blazer love
Ever wondered blazer is one of those versatile wardrobe staple that goes well with almost everything. Throw a blazer over your palazzos for a chic look.

5.       It’s perfect time to cinch your waist
Cinch your waist with to add shape your outfit and define your silhouette. You can also wear a loose top and knot it to get that cinching effect.

Let me know what do you think about palazzo pants and this post my lovelies!


All about Inflatable tubs

Hello my dolls! I hope you are having a lovely week and that this post will make it even lovelier! We are heading again from our usual dress and accessories stories to a bit of interior design shopping, but I can't put this post quite in that category either. Today we will discuss luxury house items, where to buy them, how to take care of them and so on. What item are we discussing today? We will be talking about Inflatable tubs!

It is awesome that in 21st century everything is made so much easier with the existence of Internet. Now there are online places that can help you get answers to all of your questions when it comes to any household item, and that of course includes inflatable tubs! Today we will be checking out together and I will try to bring their story closer to you.

They offer reviews of the latest inflatable hot tubs and the companies that you can buy them from. Before checking out this site I had no idea how big difference is between 2 persons hot tub (which are relatively cheap and also tend to be much easier to install and maintain) 4 persons hot tub (that offer the largest selection of products to choose from) and of course 6-8 persons hot tub that is so awesome for throwing parties!  . Here you can also find guides on how to take care of your hot tub, things to consider before buying a hot tub and if you are a special daredevil, how to even build your own!

When it comes to choosing a hot tub, or even deciding to buy one in the first place, there are more than a few things you should pay attention to. Those are, first of all, size that depends on your needs and free space you can use, running costs of electricity and water, maintenance to keep it operating properly, and last but not least, accessories and supplies you might be in the need of.

Do you use hot tubs dolls? Let me know what do you think about this post! 


All the lace up + Giveaway winner

Hi babes! Spring is officially here, yet it's still pretty chilly. I'm embracing lace up trend with great joy this season and putting a fur vest over it to keep warm. Enjoy!


Zdravo dragi moji! Proleće je napokon stiglo, ali kako je napolju još uvek hladnjikavo, nešto preko za utopljavanje poput ovog krznenog prsluka koji nosim danas je must. Obožavam i lace up trend odnosno takozvano ''pertlanje'' koji vlada ovom sezonom. Planiram da ga inkorporiram i u odeću i u obuću, baš kao u ovom postu! Uživajte!

I am wearing: 
Sunnies: Emblem eyewear 
Fur vest: Lookbook Store 
Skirt: Jexshop  Bag: YesFor
Shoes: SheIn

Also our Seoul Treat Hungry Box giveaway winner is:

Cheryll Shubert! Congrats! And thank you all for participating!


Nove dermatokozmetičke linije ''Psorioderm'' i ''Ivatherm''

Ove nedelje je ''Venoma Fashion Freak'' tim imao priliku da prisustvuje predstavljanju novih dermatokozmetičkih linija u hotelu ''88 Rooms'' u Beogradu. Kao i uvek, radujemo se povećanju diverziteta proizvoda na tržištu dermakozmetologije u Srbiji. Naši utisci vas čekaju u ovom postu!

Korišćenje dermatološki ispitane kozmetike bazirane na prirodnim sastojcima, koja ne sadrži kortikosteroide,  važna je dodatna terapija za pacijente obolele od psorijaze, jer na taj način ublažavaju simptome ovog oboljenja,  istaknuto je tokom stručnog predavanja za dermatologe iz cele Srbije u okviru kog su predstavljane dve nove deramtokozmetičke linije „Psorioderm“ i „Ivatherm“.

O tome na koji način najkvalitetnije pomoći pacijentima koji se bore sa psorijazom, kao i sa atopijskim dermatitisom govorili su dermatolozi dr Zoran Golušin, upravnik Klinike za kožne i venerične bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodina i prof. dr Miloš Nikolić, načelnik Odeljenja za pedijatrijsku dermatologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije. 

„Psorioderm“ je nova dermatokozmetička linija namenjena ublažavanju simptoma psorijaze, seboreje, ekcema i drugih osetljivosti na koži. Koristi se u Evropi već nekoliko godina a odnedavno je dostupan i na tržištu Srbije. Sadrži nano čestice zeolita koje imaju visoku atioksidativnu aktivnosti a istovremeno služi kao nošač aktivnih komponenti koji obezbeđuje neometan prolaz u ćelije epidermisa. Upravo zbog toga što sadrži zeolit u svom sastavu,“Psorioderm“ preparati su pokazli visoku efikasnost u tretiranju problema obolelih od psorijaze i drugih kožnih bolesti. 

„Ivatherm“ dermatokozmetička linija je razvijena i proizvodi se u Francuskoj. Ova linija sadrži poznatu Herkulana termalnu izvorsku vodu. Preporučuje se kod atopije, ekcema, svraba, urtikarije, inflamatorne dermatoze. Jedino ova kozmetika na našem tržištu sadrži „Resveratrol“ koji se dobija iz semenki grožđa i koji predstavlja jedan od najpotentnijih antioksidansa. Smatra se jednim od najboljih aktivatora Sirutina, tzv. „gena dugovečnosti“ u ljudskom organizmu.

Dermatokozmetičke linije „Psorioderm“ i „Ivatherm“ uvozi i distribuira farmaceutska kompanija Goodwill Pharma iz Subotice. 

Nadam se da vam se dopao današnji post! Do sledećeg,

vaša Venoma