Recenzija: Golden Rose HD puderi i korektor

Zdravo dragi moji i dobrodošli u najnoviju beauty recenziju! Danas ćemo zajedno razgledati i ćaskati o novoj kolekciji Golden Rose proizvoda pod nazivom Golden Rose HD u kojoj se nalaze Golden Rose HD Foundation High Definiton tečni puder, Golden Rose HD Powder High Definition puder u kamenu i Golden Rose HD Concealer High Definition korektor. Ova tri proizvoda predstavljaju osnovu svakog makeup-a i volim što se HD linija proizvoda sastoji upravo iz njih. Cela kolekcija dolazi u elegnatnom crnom pakovanju sa zlatnim i belim slovima, a puderi su zapakovani u kartonska pakovanja.

Golden Rose HD Foundation High Definiton tečni puder dolazi u pakovanju od 30 ml i ima faktor za zaštitu od sunčevih zraka SPF 15. Sam tečni puder nosi epitete soft focus flawless finish koji se odnose na to da sadrži posebne pigmente u formuli koji obasjavaju lice, prikrivajući nedostatke i fine linije. Sadrži vitamin E i ne sadrži ulja. Licu daje blurring efekat, otprilike kao beautify filter koji verujem da je bio i inspiracija za ovaj proizvod.

Nijansa koju sam ja imala prilike da isprobam jeste 104 Beige. Na slikama iznad možete dobiti utisak o samoj teksturi. Što se osećaja na licu tiče, ovaj Golden Rose HD tečni puder je pogodan za moju suvu kožu. Ne isušuje je dodatno i čini mi se da je pomalo i hidrira, bez mašćenja i osećaja težine. Sama pokrivna moć je srednja kao što je naglašeno na pakovanju, što bi za mene značilo da ću ga najverovatnije više koristiti kad prođu vrućine. S obzirom da lako crvenim na visokim temperaturama, tokom leta koristim Golden Rose 2in1 foundation and concealer koji ima potpunu pokrivnu moć. Još jedan utisak o Golden Rose HD tečnom puderu koji sam stekla jeste da mi lice izgleda izuzetno prirodno sa njim i da može lako da se postigne prirodniji izgled uz pokrivanje nesavršnosti ovim puderom.

Ovaj puder možete nabaviti po preporučenoj maloprodajnoj ceni od 733 RSD i možete ga naći u čak 16 nijansi.

Drugi proizvod o kome ćemo ćaskati danas je Golden Rose HD Powder High Definition puder u kamenu. Prethodno sam skoro do kraja istrošila Golden Rose Longstay puder u kamenu kojim sam bila super zadovoljna tako da sam se jako radovala isprobavanju ove nove formule. Dolazi u izdašnom pakovanju od 12.5 grama i može se naći u 4 verzije/nijanse među kojima su i translucent, banana, medium fair i nude beige. 

Golden Rose HD puder u kamenu je zaista dostigao moja visoka očekivanja. U samom pakovanju se nalazi i sunđerčić za aplikovanje koji ja lično volim da koristim, ali sam proizvod se pokazao odlično i sa četkom za kameni puder. Ovaj puder se može koristiti i samostalno i za setovanje tečnog pudera. Formula je neverovatno svilenkasta i puder se ne oseća na licu. Sadrži faktor za zaštitu od sunčevih zraka SPF 15 i daje licu prirodan izgled baš kao i prethodni tečni puder. Puder koji možete videti na slici je u nijansi 203 medium fair. Možete ga nabaviti po ceni od 518 RSD.

I treći proizvod koji ćemo razgledati danas je Golden Rose HD Concealer High Definition tečni korektor vrlo popularnog dizajna sa jastučićem na vrhu koji olakšava aplikaciju. Sam korektor sadrži 3ml proizvoda u sebi i može se naći u 8 nijansi. Sama aplikacija je laka i zanimljiva, klikom na donji deo pakovanja istiskujete proizvod u jastuče kojim onda nanosite proizvod na lice.

Tekstura samog proizvoda je lagana ali se brzo suši tako da je potrebno sa njim brzo raditi odnosno raditi jedno po jedno područje odmah po nanošenju, bilo da su u pitanju predeli ispod očiju ili delovi lica koje želite da posvetlile. Takođe bih preporučila da obavezno stavite prajmer ispod ako imate suvu kožu kao ja. Od cele HD kolekcije, ovaj proizvod ima najjaču pokrivnu moć (potpunu) i sjajan je za prikrivanje podočnjaka i nepravilnosti na licu. Potrebno je jako malo proizvoda za potpunu pokrivnu moć tako da mogu da zaključim i da će mi potrajati. Nakon naošenja sam koristila nakvašen beauty blender da bolje utopim proizvod u ostatak makeup-a. 

Golden Rose HD tečni korektor možete kupiti po ceni od 548 RSD, a nijansa koju ste videli na slikama je 03.

To je bilo sve za današnju recenziju drage moje! Sve Golden Rose HD proizvode, kao i ostale njihove proizvode možete nabaviti u Golden Rose Beauty Shop-ovima (Aviv Park Pančeno, Zrenjanin, Zvezdara i Big Fashion), Lilly drogerijama, kao i drugim parfimerijama i apotekama, a uskoro se očekuje i zvaničan online Golden Rose shop.

Da li ste probale nešto od novih Golden Rose HD proizvoda drage moje? Javite mi svoje utiske!

Do sledećeg posta,
vaša Venoma

4 Tips to Creating a Promotional Item that Your Target Market Will Use

Promotional items are trendy nowadays that everything is more accessible to make in bulk. It is now
easy to advertise anything you want under the sun with promotional items. Your media is not only
limited to print, the airwaves or the digital world but anything you can think of which may or may not
be connected to your business can be given away at outreach events. And why shouldn’t you think
about promotional products? They are actually the least expensive and easiest way to market your
brand, and people love them because they are free. But promotional products are a dime a dozen so
to speak. So, if you want your business to be noticed by your target audience, you must take it up
a notch higher. Check out this website: for different
types of promotional items which can be used many times over. Read on for more useful tips on how
to create a promotional item which will be of use to your target market.

1.  Create something that your customer needs
There are a variety of choices when it comes to promotional items. But a grand strategy to have a
broader reach with your promotional item is to know if your customer uses them. Choose a product
which is useful at the same time can reach as many people as possible. Wearables such as shirts,
caps, and jackets are the best examples of promotional items which are effective and useful to the
target audience.

2.  Must have an environmental impact
These days when people are more aware of the effects of the usage of materials on the planet, one
must also be aware that people would be looking for promotional items which are environmentally
friendly. People will have a more favorable idea of the advertiser if the product they give away can
help save the planet and not just an addition to the trash heap. A great example would be the
reusable bags which not only do away with the one-time use plastic bag but can be reused as many
times possible and can reach as many people as long as it is still useful.

3.  Must make an impression
When choosing a promotional item, make sure that it makes a lasting impression. It would even be
best if your target audience would make it a habit of wearing or using your promotional product on a
weekly basis. This is to make your brand on it familiar to those who regularly see it. Who knows,
someone may become interested enough to look your brand up online. Also, a promotional product
makes a lasting impression when it is used most of the time and not discarded easily or stowed
away in the attic.

4.  Learn about your target market
If you know more about your target market, it gets easier for you to tell which would give a big
impression on them. Many factors would come to mind such as gender, age, employment status or
family status which would show how each genre values your promotional product. Findings indicate
that men are more likely to keep USB drives and outerwear. You can read on many other statistics
and observations, but there is no one other than you who can assess which promo products your
own customers will most likely keep.

Although the return on your investment by giving promotional products is hard to quantify, you can
keep in mind that this is the least expensive and easiest form of advertising which in a way brings
your business far and wide.

Slip Dress

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a great Monday and I wish you all a great week! I just turned 28 (you might figured it out in case you're following me on Instagram soon as I celebrated for like a week or so) and I feel better than ever. Birthdays for me are a moment for self-reflecting and I concluded that I had an amazing year behind me. I am looking forward to an even better year of life that is coming up. I had a great birthday surrounded by family and friends and I am so grateful and blessed to have them.

Also, I hope you will enjoy today's outfit post. It's not birthday themed, but it's ''just'' an amazing sexy slip dress and a pair of super sparky heels that I'm wearing today. I'll hope you will like it!

I am wearing:
Dress: ToSave
Shoes: Amiclubwear 
Curls by: Ugljessa

What do you think babes?

Lots of love,

4 Benefits To Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is by far the best method to use to remove unwanted tattoos from your body.
Other methods have always left hideous scars and messy ink spots on the skin. Laser beams are
highly effective and the results achieved are excellent.

There are different laser wavelengths which target specific colors, making laser technology the best
and safest system to use compared to other methods such as dermabrasion. The process is also
super fast. With that in mind, here are 4 benefits to laser tattoo removal:

1.    There Is No Risk Of Damage
Laser tattoo removal eliminates any risk of scarring that could result after the process is done. Laser
technology has advanced over time and it delivers superb results when used. The laser beam
moves inside your skin and adjusts the cells in a small invasive way which allows the skin cells to
naturally regrow.

The pressure waves from the laser break the ink particles and keep your skin in a healing mode by
triggering the increase of elastin and collagen production. The risks of scarring are therefore
reduced. The guarantee is even higher when a professional does the work for you.

2.    You Feel Less Pain
With laser tattoo removal, you are assured that you will not feel excruciating pain, rather, you will
experience some sort of sensations on the skin area that is being treated. The pain will be quite
minimal and will last for only a very short period of time.

Laser tattoo removal technology will minimize the level of stress. You’ll worry less about pain effects.
Professional tattoo removal specialists do offer ice packs and other substances like topical
anesthetic cream to help deal with any form of swelling. The swelling will also disappear very fast.

3.    It Works With Any Skin Color
Laser tattoo removal can be used for any skin color. Whether your skin is white or black doesn’t
matter as there is no limitation to the tone of your skin. The laser can be adjusted to work with your
skin and the end result will be tremendous.

Other tattoo removing procedures only work for specific skin colors making them quite unreliable to
use. Be keen, however, to ensure that the equipment being used is top quality and this you’ll be sure
of by going to a licensed professional.

4.    There Is Deep Penetration Of The Laser
The modern technology of tattoo removal allows for deep penetration into the skin to achieve the
results that you’re looking for. The laser beam will penetrate into the skin and the penetration will be
determined by the level of depth by which the tattoo had been printed into your skin.

This is important as you are guaranteed that there is no pigment of ink that is left on the skin and the
laser will not penetrate deeper than it is supposed to which would result into a scar.

Laser tattoo removal is a safe procedure to undertake. You are provided with protective glasses to
wear to protect your eyes. You are completely protected during the entire procedure. There is no risk
or harm.

This is however guaranteed if you consult a professional. With that said, here is our
recommendation for the best Laser Tattoo Removal specialist.

New TbDress Shopping App

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! I believe all you fashionistas will truly love this post! Today we will be chatting about online shopping and how to make it easier and more accessible to all of us. We all know that we hang out much more on our phones nowadays than on our PCs. So that is why known online stores like Tbdress made a shopping and clothes app to make online shopping easier and more approachable. TbDress makes sure that while using this app you get an additional discount shopping with different items for men and women such as swimwear, wedding and bridesmaid items and much more. They add around 1000 new products weekly so with this app you will always be up to date with the latest trends when it comes to fashion shopping.

You can find official TbDress app for android and apple here:

What do you think about clothes apps like this my lovelies? Do you do your online shopping via apps? Feel free to let me know how you feel about this and have you used some shopping apps so far!

Lots of love,