Straw Bag

I finally got my own straw bag! I've been looking at this trend for so long thinking if it's for me or not. Turns out that it is! Enjoy the post!

I am wearing:
Dress: vintage
Shoes: Popjulia (hereProduct ID:  995437 use 38%off Code : PJSNS38 
Bag: Popjulia (hereProduct ID:  2088240 use 38%off Code : PJSNS38 
Watch: Daniel Wellington

Let me know do you love straw bags dolls!
Lots of love,

Swimwear Try-On Vol.2

It's swimwear try-on vol. 2! If you missed the first one, you can see it here. I have two brand new swimwear designs for you to check out today!

I just love this color and this design. Blue is something that will always make you stand out, while this design is the perfect mix of covered and showing off. It's from Dropship Clothes 

If you are searching for something a bit more colorful this is an ideal bikini for you. This pink print is just awesome, and the bikini is highly adjustable. It's from Rosegal.

 Lots of love,

Recenzija: Avon 5u1 Lash Genius Maskara

Zdravo drage moje i dobrodošle u novu beauty recenziju! Tema današnje recenzije je nova Avon 5u1 Lash Genius maskara. Ova maskara je nedavno dospela u moje ruke i imala sam dovoljno vremena da se upoznam sa njom kako bih vam detaljno prenela svoje utiske u ovoj kratkoj recenziji.

 Avon 5u1 Lash Genius maskara obećava pet efekata na vašim trepavicama: volumen, dužinu, razdvojene trepavice, podignute trepavice i dve raskošne nijanse. Nijanse koje su u pitanju su Blackest Black i Black Brown, a ja sam isprobala ovu prvu. Četkica je dugačka i deblja pri vrhu, sa preporukom da se stranice četkice koriste za gornje trepavice, a vrh četkice koristi za donje. Pakovanje je zlatno tako da ga nikada nećete izgubiti na svojoj polici sa šminkom. Sadrži 10ml proizvoda.

Aplikacija je poprilično laka i Avon 5u1 Lash Genius maskara dobrim delom ispunjava obećano. Izdužuje i podiže trepavice, razdvaja ih dajući ''spider'' efekat ne stvarajući grudvice, dok za naglašen volumen morate naneti dva ili tri sloja maskare. Ne trusi se, dugotrajna je i lako se skida uljanim skidačima za šminku. Najbolji utisak možete videti na close up slici koju sam napravila za vas na kojoj naravno nosim Avon 5u1 Lash Genius maskaru na svojim gornjim trepavicama.

Maloprodajna cena  Avon 5u1 Lash Genius maskare iznosi povoljnih 599 RSD i možete je naći u aktuelnom katalogu. Pišite mi svoje utiske o ovoj maskari drage moje!

Do sledećeg posta,
vaša Venoma

Beach babe

Hello my lovelies! I am showing off my new beach dress in today's post and the way I would wear it if I were on holiday. I love these easy flowy dresses for summer days. Enjoy the post!

I am wearing:
Dress: Dresslily
Earrings: Dresslily
Watch: Daniel Wellington
Shoes: Lightinthebox
Bag: ToSave

What kind of beach dresses do you wear dolls?

Lots of love,

How to Add Volume to Your Hair

Thick, full-bodied hair is often associated with good health and considered more attractive. But not everyone is blessed with a full head of hair. If you have naturally fine or thin strands and would like to add more volume to your hair, here are a few tips on how you can achieve this:

Hair Extensions
Let’s start with the most obvious solution: hair extensions. These are a godsend for anyone who wants to achieve longer or thicker hair, or who wants to quickly change their hairstyle or color without treating or dyeing their hair. Hair extensions are also great for anyone with naturally fine hair, or for people who are struggling with hair loss or thinning hair. For instant, vavavoom voluminous hair, shop Brazilian deep wave bundles at

These hair extensions are made from premium quality virgin hair, and offer lots of beautiful bounce and shine. They look, feel and move just like natural hair, so no one will be the wiser that you’re wearing hair extensions. Nothing is worse than obviously fake or cheap-looking hair extensions! For a more versatile option, consider getting the Brazilian straight bundles, which can be curled or styled however you want.

Since these hair bundles are extremely well-made and durable, they can withstand regular styling, and can last for years with proper care and maintenance.

Change Your Part
If you don’t want to invest in hair extensions, there are still a few sneaky tricks you can do to add more volume to your hair. One of them is to simply change where you part your hair. Chances are you already have a natural part, where you hair tends to naturally fall. This is also where your hair most lies flat.

Flipping your hair to create a side part creates instant volume at the crown. For more subtle volume, part your hair while it’s still wet, but for maximum volume, try a deep side part with dry hair, then mist lightly with hairspray to hold.

Blow-Dry Your Hair Upside Down
Nothing could be simpler than this technique, yet it’s surprisingly effective if you want natural volume in your hair. Simply flipyour head upside down when you blow dry. Doing this automatically lifts your roots off your scalp and creates extra body. Blow dry your hair until it’s almost dry, then go through it with a round brush for a smooth and sleek yet voluminous look. Don’t forget to spray a heat protectant product before blow drying!
Apply a Texturizing Spray
Another incredibly easy way to add volume to your hair is to apply a sea salt or texturizingspray to your roots. This will also lift your roots off of your scalp and create instant body and volume. This method is perfect for the laidback, casual “beach babe” look.
These are just some of the tips and tricks you can try to add volume to your hair. Do you have any tricks of your own? Be sure to comment and share them!