My newest fashion obsession

March 06, 2011 Venoma 2 Comments

Nedavno sam shvatila da ovih bebica u svim nijansama, materijalima, sarama i dezenima nikad dosta. Pre svega muskarcima, ali i mi zene mozemo da se ogrebemo po potrebi ;) I rekla sam D. da ce necu prestati da mu kupujem kravate dok ne bude imao bar 1000 komada ^^ A sta vi kazete? :D

Recently I realized that there can never be enough of these babies in all those colors, materials, prints and versions. First for men, but we females can also borrow them sometimes ;) And I told D. that I won't stop buying him ties 'till he has at least a 1000 of them ^^ And what do you think? :D




  1. Divne su.. Imam nekoliko! Divne su.. Imam ideju za tasnicu... Hvala ti :D

  2. Torbica je fenomenalna, a na mnogim revijama manekenke nose kravate, I love it, cool!:)
