Lol cats Monday: Technical cats

Uz ovo preterano prisustvo racunara, telefona, raznih I-podpedpad-ova, lap-top-ova i svega ostalog u nasim zivotima, realno je da i macke krenu da se zanimaju za iste stvari. Da vidimo kako to izgleda :D

With too much computes, phones, different I-padpedpods, lap-tops and everything else in our lives, it's naturall that cats are also getting interested and involved in those stuff. Let's see how that looks :D

Burlesque! :)

Ako slucajno vec niste citali o ovom filmu, i ako jos slucajnije niste otisli da pogledate ovo prelepo umetnicno delo, verujte mi, krajnje je vreme da ispravite gresku ;) "Burlesque", najnovije ostvarenje Stivena Antina, je jedan od mojih novih omiljenih filmova. :) U pitanju je mjuzikl, ali tako sjajno ukomponovan da nemate osecaj da se sa pesmama preteralo i da ih ubacuju gde stignu. U filmu glume Chritstina Aguilera i Cher, koje glume manje vise dobro, ali pevaju fenomenalno kroz ceo film. Ima tu i jos par glavnih glumaca, pretezno muskih, dovoljno simpaticnih da vam odrze paznju u potpunosti ;)

If by chance you have not already read about this movie, and if you have not yet went to see this beautiful masterpiece, believe me, it is time for you to correct that mistake ;) "Burlesque", the latest achievement by Steven Antin, is one of my new favorite movies. :) It's a musical, but well composed so you don't have a feeling that they overdid it with songs and throwing them wherever they can. The film stars Chritstina Aguilera and Cher, were acting more or less good, but sang adorably throughout the film. There are also few more actors in there, mostly male,nice enough to keep your attention completely ;)

Znate da sam ogroman fan kostima svake vrste. Zato me je ovaj film poptuno oduvao. Ovi kostimi su dovedeni do savrsenstva. Takodje sam ceo zivot trenirala razlicite vrste plesova sa velikim uzivanjem, sto samo dodaje jos jedan plus ovom filmu sa moje strane. A i da ne zaboravim, muzika je fenomenalna, sve zajedno sa obradom Mensona u dzez fazonu.

You know that I am a huge fan of costumes of every kind. So I was completely blown away by this film. These suits were brought to perfection. I also trained all my life different types of dances with much pleasure, it just adds another plus to this movie by my hand. And do not forget, the music is fantastic, together with the processing of Manson in the climate of jazz.

Jedina kritika jeste malo klimava gluma, malo zbrzan pocetak i kraj, ali desava se to kada neko zeli da akcentuje samo odredjene stvari u filmu. Uprkos tim sitnicama, moje najvece preporuke za ovaj film. U medjuvremenu uzivajte u najboljim fotkama sa filma koje sam uspela da nadjem :)

The only criticism is a bit shaky acting, a bit hurried beginning and end, but it happens when someone wants to emphasizes only certain things in the movie. Despite these small things, my biggest recommendation for this movie :) In the meantime, enjoy the best photos from Bulesque movie that I could find :)



Shopping at Immocentar

Prosle nedelje, nasao se neki zaludan dan, prosto ne znam odakle takav dan u mom zivotu, pa se odlucih da odem sa D. do Immocentra. Nikad nisam isla. Gledam u onu kartu, Immo centar u tri lepe sargarepe sa moje tacke gledista, negde na NBG, autobus 95 ili tramvaj 7, ulica Gandijeva. Negde posle Kineza. A moj pojam Novog Beograda je isao negde do Kineza, dalje veoma retko. Tako da sam lepo otisla da prosirim sebi geografske vidike x)

I pravo da vam kazem, vidike sam prosirila, ali od shoppinga nista nije bilo. Vratih se praznih ruku, veoma razocarana onim sto sam videla. Kombinacija outleta na jednom mestu - recimo, naci nesto kvalitetno - veoma tesko, da odaje utisak kao da se tu nalaze oni najstariji ostaci najmatorijih kolekcija koji se ovde mogu naci - definitivno. Dobro, nije bas toliko lose... Ali tu je negde. Najvise nade sam polagala u Fashion&Friends i Bata outlet, ali tamo niti niskih cena, niti ikakvih lepih komada... Sta vise, F&F je ceo outlet napunio robom sa greskom i cipelama broj 42, a Bata nekim praistorijskim modelima koje se ne secam ni da sam u radnji videla uopste. U Immocentru mozete naci i outlete Avanguardia, Benetton, Extreme Intimo, Navigare, Sportina, Spriengfield, Coterfield, TFY, Time out, Todor, Women's secret i Okaidi. Od tih jedino sam u Women's secretu nasla nesto normalno, jeftino, slatko, iako nista nisam kupila, bar mogu da preporucim taj outlet. Ove ostale ne. Doduse, u Time out-ovom i Spriengfield-ovom outletu verovatno mozete naci one standardne majice, duksece i slicno po povoljnoj ceni, kome treba, mozda bi trebao da svrati. Ovo ostalo... Budi Bog s nama, ali stvarno...

I vama i sebi zelim vise srece u potrazi za lepim krpicama... Van Immocenta :) Ljubac :*

Last week, I found some idle day, I simply didn't know where did it such a day came from in my life, so I decided to go with D. to Immocentar. I never went there before. I looked into that map, Immo Centre was in some God's forsacen place from my point of view, somewhere in the NBG, bus 95 or 7, Gandi's Street. Sometime after the Chinese. And my concept of New Belgrade went somewhere to the Chinese, not after them. So nice that I went to expand my geographical horizons x)

And honest to be, my horizons have expanded, but the shopping didn't go well. I returned empty-handed, very disappointed with what I saw. The combination of outlets in one place - you could say so, opportunity to find something high quality - not likely at all, to give the impression as if there were the oldest remains of the oldes collections that can be found here - definitely. Well, it wasn't really so bad ... But it was there somewhere. Most hope I lied in Fashion & Friends and Bata outlet, but there were no low prices, or any fine piece in there. F & F has the entire outlet store filled with damaged clothing and shoes size 42, and Bata has some prehistoric models that I do not even remember that I saw in the shop at all. In Immocentar you will also find outlets Avanguardia, Benetton, Extreme Intimo, Navigare, Sportina, Spriengfield, Coterfield, TFY, Time out, Todor, Women's Secret and Okaidi. Of these I found only Women's secret outlet something worth visiting, where you can find something cheap and sweet, even though I did not buy anything, at least I can recommend the outlet. The others I can't recommend. True, in Time Out's and Spriengfield's outlet you can probably find those standard t-shirts etc at an affordable price, if you need those, you may want to drop by. These other outlets were a disaster, really...

 And to you and to myself I wish more luck in our next shopping... Outside Immocenter :) Kisses!



I heart narrow belts

Look of the day: shopping in purple