Charmwish trendy clothes for women

 Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new fashion post! I know it's been a while since we discovered a new online place to shop together! That is why today I will be making it up for you by sharing a brand new online store with you that I strongly believe you guys will love. I certainly enjoyed browsing and shopping in this store this season!

The online store we will be checking out together today is called Charmwish and it offers so many trendy items when it comes to fashion and current trends! There you can find everything from coats and jackets, casual dresses, skirts, but also a variety of accessories such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, hair accessories and so much more.

Make sure to check out their sale and clearance section in case you are looking for a bargain or to save a buck. I am sure you will find yourself some amazing deals in there. If you want to follow the latest fashion trends when it comes to trendy clothes for women, you can browse their new in section where they publish their latest items every day.

I just love knitwear this season, I'm obsessed with it. I picked out some of my top favorite items from this store to share with you on the photos in this post, but this is only a small part from all the items that I really loved on this site. They offer so many amazing coats womens that it is really hard for me to choose only a few.

What are your favorites for this season my lovelies? Do you do your shopping online or are you still going to the stores? What are your favorite items to shop for? Feel free to share your thoughts in this topic!

Lots of love,


Casual clothes by Holapick

 Hey my adorable fashion babes! I hope this winter is treating you very well! It is the time of the year when we want to keep ourselves warm as well as super stylish. The current situation in the world has not changes our desire to always look our best, it maybe only changes the way we shop.

More and more people are looking for casual clothes for women, but this time, their preferred method of shopping is strictly online shopping. And why wouldn't it be? I have been online shopping for years and I love it so much! It so easy to find what you are looking for in just a few clicks, make a purchase and just wait for the postman to ring your bell and bring you all the goodies straight to your doorstep. You can shop in your pajamas anytime!

One of the online stores I wanted to share with you today is called Holapick and it offers a variety of trendy items for you to check out. This store is pretty awesome because you can find a lot of clothes like tops, dresses, outerwear, bottoms, shoes, accessories, but there are also home accessories and other items. Make sure to check out their new in section for the latest goodies.

They have a really big Christmas sale currently going on where you can grab fabulous discounts on pretty much everything, as well as special discount code to get 5% off on your first order. Their Christmas collection is very cute and they also have a sale clearance section where prices go from only 1.99$! Isn't that amazing?

Make sure to also check out some of their dresses for sale. I picked out a few that I personally liked the most, but you can let me know what your favorite items from this store are!

Lots of love,


4 Breast Augmentation Myths Busted!


Are you thinking about undergoing breast augmentation surgery, but aren't sure if it's right for you?

Breast augmentation can help improve your confidence and self-esteem and enhance your appearance. Unfortunately, many women steer clear of breast augmentation surgery due to all of the myths surrounding the procedure.

Check out this guide to learn about the top breast augmentation myths that need to be debunked.

1. Breast Implants Are Not Safe

One of the biggest myths surrounding breast augmentation surgery is that breast implants are not safe. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved breast implants as medical devices.

Getting approved by the FDA involves passing a set of rigorous tests that put into question the safety and effectiveness of the device. So, because implants are FDA approved, you can rest assured knowing that they're safe and that you won't suffer from any major health complications.

While you may have heard rumors that breast implants are linked to cancer and other types of serious diseases, the truth is, the scientific community has been unable to prove that any such link actually exists. As long as you take care of yourself properly after surgery and you choose a professional, experienced surgeon, you won't have to worry about any health complications.

2. You Need to Replace Your Implants Every 10 Years

Many people are under the assumption that after undergoing breast augmentation by Dr. Placik, you need to replace your implants every 10 years.

While your implants will need to be replaced eventually, the truth is, there is no designated time period for removal and replacement. Breast implants are rather durable and can withstand a considerable amount of pressure. Therefore, you may find that you get to keep your implants for much longer than 10 years before replacing them.

3. Saline Implants Are Safer Than Silicone Ones 

Many people will tell you to opt for saline implants because they're safer than silicone implants. However, both implants are safe and approved by the FDA, and which type of implant you opt for is really a matter of personal choice.

Many people find that silicone implants feel similar to natural breast tissue, whereas saline implants have a firmer texture to them. It's very rare for either implant to rupture, but if a saline implant does rupture, the salt water inside of it is completely natural and can be absorbed by the body.

4. Getting Breast Implants Means You Can't Breastfeed

Another common myth surrounding breast augmentation is that breast implants prevent you from being able to breastfeed. However, this is not the case.

Should you choose to breastfeed your children, implants won't get in the way of you doing so. The most common location for a breast implant incision leaves the milk ducts intact, so your breastfeeding abilities won't be affected.

Are You Ready for Breast Augmentation Surgery? 

Now that you've read this guide, it's time for you to decide if breast augmentation surgery is right for you. If the answer is yes, then it's time to start researching plastic surgeons in your area.

And, be sure to check back in with our blog for more plastic surgery tips and tricks.






Where To Buy Affordable Velvet Bridesmaid Dresses---Learn Alfabridal

 Hello there my lovelies! It's time for a new fashion injection for all you dress lovers out there! You know we always have so many fresh trends to check out and great new online stores to browse. There are many choices, so it's important that we find a store that offers high quality as well as reasonable prices so we can look and feel glamorous and still save a few bucks! 

That is why today we will be checking out together a new online store I recently discovered called Alfabridal. Alfabridal is a store that came out from heaven in case you are looking for a perfect bridesmaid dress. They are super specialized in bridesmaid dresses from all materials, offering so many interesting and trendy designs to their customers. 

What I really like about this online store is that you can choose from 56 different colors from their palette for tulle, chiffon and lace bridesmaid dresses. Also, if you are a fan of sequins and velvet, there is 15 colors you can get your dress in. They accept custom orders via email just to make sure you can make a custom order and get a dress that perfectly fits you.

Velvet bridesmaid dresses are currently all the rage in the fashion world. Velvet is a material that has been going strong for quite a few seasons now and it's not slowing down. It's popular because it's comfortable, easy to wear and very flowy and flattering on every body type. Let's not forget that Alfabridal offers you all sizes from US2 to US26W to make sure every girl can be perfectly fitted in their dresses.

I picked out a perfect deep blue velvet bridesmaid dress to show you guys in this post. I just adore the texture and the color. The design is super sleek and sexy, I love the high cut as well. It's a perfect dress!

And what are your favorites my lovelies? Let me know!

Lots of love,


    Top 5 V Neck Velvet Bridesmaid Dress From Alfabridal

    Hello my fashion babes and welcome to my new post! Autumn is going strong and wedding season with it as well! I have prepared for you something special today. I know how much all of us love weddings. We don't always get to be the bride, but far more often we get to be a bridesmaid. That is why bridesmaid dresses are the topic of today's post!

    There is so many things to consider when it comes to bridesmaid dress choice. First of all, you will probably have to consult the bride on this. There is probably a few of you being bridesmaids on that wedding, which means the dress you will wear will have to suit different body types, heights and weights. That is why picking a store with wide selection of dresses is very important.

    Online stores such as Alfabridal are just the right place for you to check out some beautiful bridesmaid dresses. What's cool about them is that they can make dresses in 56 different colors made of chiffon, lace and tulle. When it comes to sequins and velvet dresses, they come in 15 different colors. The size chart that you can pick out from hoes from US2 to US26W which means there is a size for every girl out there.

    A very big current trend is all about velvet bridesmaid dress. They are super popular, super sexy and super comfortable. V neck velvet dresses are a first choice for many bridesmaids around the world at the moment. I have picked out a few for you guys to check out. You can see them in this post on the photos, while you can find more on Alfabridal. They also accept custom special orders, you can contact them via

    What is your favorite type of bridesmaid dress my darlings? Were you ever a bridesmaid? Do you love weddings and picking out dresses for special occasions? Le me know!

    Lots of love,
