Parola snadji se ;) / Look for less in Belgrade

Dugo sam razmisljala o naslovu ovog posta - "kako pronaci fancy a jeftine cipele u Beogradu", "look for less in Belgrade", "real vs steal", "ista stvar za po ceni za nas smrtnike"... Toliko mogucnosti :D

U svakom slucaju, lokalni brendovi kod nas su postali dosta dobri u "skidanju" dizajnerske obuce. I kad vidite nesto tako dobro odradjeno, a da nije shanerski (njih bas i ne volim, doprinose uniformisanju grada u "skupe brendove" sa kineske pijace), dakle sa lokalnom markom na sebi, dobijete malo drugaciji pogled na sve. Ja bih se prva glupo osecala da sam dala 1000eura na par cipela ako 95% isti ima da se kupi u radnjama u mom gradu za 15x manje pare (ali zaista 15x).

Evo nekih primera zajedno sa slicicama koje sam sama napravila. :)

Local brends here in Belgrade became pretty good at making similar shoes to ones that actual designers make. Some of those shoes are really fabioulosly made, and when you see that they have local brands on it and price up to 15x (!!!) lower then the designed ones, it changes your views for sure. I would first feel stupid to give 1000euros for something that I can find in the store around the corner for 50euros, and with a real good quality. Here are few examples with pics that I made myself. Enjoy :)
Balmain Paris, 1605$ or Aleksandar Junior up to 60euros
Burberry Prorsum 895$ or Jadran 30euros
Christian Louboutin (shorter version of these boots) around 1500$ or Novecento 70euros

Christian Louboutin around 1850$ or NewYorker 60euros



Pefrume commercials

Moram priznati da najvise volim dve stvari kod parfema - reklame i njuskanje u Sephori. :) Reklame za parfeme se uglavnom prave sa najjednostavnijom mogucom idejom - sex sales odnosno sex se prodaje. Ima, naravno, izuzetaka, ali ovo je najcesca tema. Moram priznati da ih u vecini slucajeva fenomenalno naprave, zajedno sa poznatima koji glume u njima. I must admit that there are two thing about the perfumes that I love the most - commercials and testing them in Sephora. Commercials a re usually made with the base idea that sex sells - as he does :D Ofc, there are exceptions, but that is the most common topic. And in the most cases, they turn out to be great :) Mozda ste culi, nedavno je, nakon Paco Rabanne One Million za muskarce izasao i Paco Rabanne Lady Million za zene. Iako jos uvek nisam stavila moje sape na Lady Million, imam visoka ocekivanja, jer sam se u One Million davno zaljubila i ta ljubav jos traje, iako je moj dragi istrosio celo pakovanje do sad, i dalje cuvam "zlatnu polugu" :D Moram priznati da ga pola muskaraca u gradu ima, ali uprkos mojoj odbojnosti prema stvarima koje su u masovnoj upotrebi, ovaj parfem je toliko dobar da ga i dalje volim. Isto ce se verovatno desiti sa Lady Million - verovatno ce tipicne musterije biti napucane silikonske plavuse - stoga cemo videti koliko ce parfem da bude dobar ;) You might have heard that, after One Million by Paco Rabenne for men, they lauched Lady Million by Paco Rabenne for women. Even tho I haven't tested it yet, I have high expectations, because I simply adore One Million and even tho the gold bullion that my boyfriend used is empty, I still keep it as a decoration x) I must admit that half of men in this town is wearing One Million, and even tho I hate most of the things that end like that, I still love One Million - he's just that good. It will probably repeat with Lady Million - typical costumers will probably be plastic fake blonds all over the town - so we'll have to wait and see will the pefrume be that good ;) Ono sto je sigurno, to su reklame koje su napravljene za gorepomenute parfeme: Here are the commercials for both perfumes Paco Rabanne - One milllion Da li vredi nesto da vam pricam da se ja uopste ne lozim na tanusne manekene, kada sam odgledala ovu reklamu hiljadu puta? xD Should I even say that I don't dig skinny male models, when I watched this commercial about a thousend times? xD and here is Rabanne - Lady Milllion Dobra je, ali po mom misljenju, reklama za muski parfem je mnooogo mnogo bolja. Mislim, u nekoj slicnoj kategoriji su, ali ipak... Naravno, misljenja su razlicita. Sta vi mislite? Good, if you ask me, but way worse than the male one. What do you think? Ono sto definitivno nije istog kvaliteta je poster. Pogledajte muski What's def not the same quality are the posters. Look at male: A onda zenski: And female: Shvatam da je ideja verovatno bila da dama izgleda kao da je provela divlju noc u gradu i da su joj se sve zelje ispunile... Medjutim, ta frizura zaista doprinosi utisku da ju je nedavno poplava izbacila. xD I guess the idea was supposed to be that she looks like she had a very wild night, but I can't escape the impression that she looks like she was in some sort of a flood or something with that hair xD Uprkos tome, jedva cekam da se domognem tog parfemcica ^^ I still can't wait to test that perfume tho ^^ Jos jedna fenomenalna reklamica je napravljena za Black XS (za nju i njega) Another great Paco Rabanne commercial for Black XS Iako mi se Black XS ne dopada kao parfem. Even tho I don't like the perfume itself. Evo jos dve fenomenalne reklame, za jos fenomenalnije parfeme koje obozavam: Here's two more that I love: YSL - Parisienne - Living and loving in the moment - sjajan slogan :D Euphoria - Calvin Clein - Live the dream - jedan od najpostojanih parfema koje sam ikad probala 
Uzivajte :) / Enjoy :) xoxo Venoma

(Small) Shopping report :)

Secate se ovih cizama? /Remember these boots?

E pa, nasla sam ih za jos manje pare xD U Jadranu, 3000din. Bice, bice, ako ne sad onda na rasprodaji, sve mi se vise svidjaju :D A mozete naci i slicnu verziju u NewYorker-u, samo sa drvenim djonom i stiklom, za 3800din cini mi se, mada meni se vise dopada kada je sve crno.

Well, I managed to find them for even less money - 30euros in Jadran. I like them more every time i see them :D Something similar could be found in NewYorker, but with wooden heel, which i didn't like as much. Those cost around 38euros.

U medjuvremenu, kao i obicno, idem ja tako Uscem i udjem u Stradivarius i naidjem na nesto ovako / In the meantime, as ussual, I've been walking around "Usce" and came in Stradivarius. There I have found something like this:

kao i obicno, slika nije originalna jer originalnu ne mogu da nadjem, tako da idemo slikovito: lepse su od ovih (naravno xD ) imaju manje krzna i krzno je u sivoj boji... I one su samo i iskljucivo u SIVOJ boji - sto je mene potpuno depresiralo - ja nista sivo nemam niti planiram da kupujem. Sivu dozivljavam kao izbledelu crnu i nije mi efektna. A otkacila sam za cizmicama koliko dobro izgledaju, kostaju 7000din, ali bih mogla to da progutam tu cenu, samo da je crna boja... Ali neeee, nema -.- Zar je meni stvarno toliko tesko udovoljiti? Ko voli sivu, neka ih kupi i neka mi posalje slike, da znam da se bar neko usrecio s njima kad ja ne mogu.

As ussual, the pic is not original, cause I can't find original, so I'll have to describe it as ussual xD they are more beautiful, fur is a bit shorter and gray. And thay are whole gray. Tht totally depressed me - I like them so much, but c'mon, gray?? Why gray?? I got nothing else in gray colour, I don't like gray :( The price of the boots is around 70euros, which I could bear if they were black, but like this :( Can somebody who loves gray please go buy them and send me photos? I would like to see somebody enjoying them when I can't. ;)

A secate li se belog kaputa iz ovog posta o Zarinoj novoj kolekciji? / Remeber this coat from the post about Zara new collection?

Lagan je kao oblak i topao kao cebe, savrsentsvo jedno. Savrsenstvo od 12.000din... Pa ko voli i ko ima nek izvoli, sta da kazem :) Ja da ga kupim, pored toga sto mi je M uzak a L veliki, isflekala bih ga u roku od dva dana :(

He is light as a cloud and warm like a blanket, pure perfection. 120euros perfection tho. Who likes it and can afford it - go ahead :))) If I buy it, he'll have stains all over him in two days :(

Sticajem okolnosti, prolazila sam Bogoslovijom pored onih raznih butika sa nefirmiranom robom - kakve sam "iscepane" farke videla u jednoj radnji za 2400din, perverzija. Razmisljam se o njima iako sam nedavno donela "cvrstu" odluku da imam dovoljno farki (..i cipela... i majica... ma kako da ne xD ) Malo mi je puno da dam toliko za nefirmirani jeans ko zna odakle doduse.

I have also went on Bogoslovija next to some non-labeled shops and saw a beautiful pair of "teared" jeans with price of 24euros, they are really fabilous. I was thinking about buying them but then I remebered that I made "tough" decision that I already have enough jeans (and shoes.. And shirts... yeah right xD ) Price is a bit too high for local unlabeled jeans tho.

Gledacu da se na mom sledecem shopping reportu nadju butici sa Bulevara - dugo nisam bila, nikako da odem, ovih dana sam imala nekih gadnih zdravstvenih problema. Ali bice :)

More to come, some other time



London fashion week spring summer 2011 (part II)

Da, jos uvek pratim desavanja u Londonu. Izgleda da je lepo vreme kod njih za ovu nedelju mode, sto je retkost, i sto jos vise pospesuje moju zelju da se tamo nalazim u ovim trenucima, a ne ovde. New York fashion week nam je prikazao mnogo manje nego ovaj London fashion week (cast Betsey Johnson, Oscaru de la Renta i sacici drugih pojedinaca cije radove mozete pogledati u nekoliko prethodnih postova). Cini mi se da su se ove sezone bas bas potrudili :) Pregledala sam gomilu revija u potrazi za inspiracijom i uopsteno, necim osvezavajucem, odmorom za dusu. Evo nekoliko koje bih zelela da podelim sa vama.

Yup, I'm still following the runways in London. It looks like they have very nice weather there for this fashion week - that's very rare for London, and that really makes me wanna be there more than beign here where I am. London fashion week showed us a lot more than New York fashion week if you ask me ( not counting Betsey Johnson, Oscar de la Renta and few more that I liked and that you can find in some previous posts). It seems to me that London gave us their best this season :) I wacthed bunch of fashion show this week, searching for inspiration and something refreshing. Here's a few I would like to share with you.

David Koma

Slatko, kratko, zenstveno, skoro pa nosivo. Pojednostavljeno ali ne jednostavno. Autenticno i inspirativno na neki svoj nacin. Dopada mi se :)

Cute, short, feminene, almoust even wearable. Pretty simple but not overly simple. Autentic and inspiering on its own way. I like it :)


Giles Deacon nam je priredio fenomenalnu kolekciju. Ne znam odakle da pocnem :D Boje variraju od neznih i prijatnih za oko do drececih i ekscentricnih, a ja prosto ne mogu da odlucim sta mi se vise dopada :D I sta im je, zaboga, ono na glavi, ona pufna? Hocu i ja jednu :D A kada vec izvoljevam, svidja mi se i ona nezno roze haljinica skroz dole levo, ako moze :D I jos samo da pomenem koliki ooogroman plus Giles Deacon ima od mene sto je obukao svoje kreacije na itekakve obline i poslao ih na pistu. Samo tako :)

Giles Deacon gave us quite a show here. I don't know where to begin :D Colours vary from gentle ones and nice for the eye to those screaming and eccentric. And I can't decide which ones do I like more :D And what the hell is that thing on their heads, that puff? I want one :D And while we're at it, I would also like that bottom left dress in that pretty pink colour, please :D Just one more thing I got to mention - Giles got a huge plus from me for hirring models with curves. And what a curves :)

Mark Fast
Evo sta nam vouge kaze o Markovoj inspiraciji za ovu kolekciju:
"exotic world inhabited by birds and butterflies and beautiful creatures but one where something has happened and now all the beauty has been stripped back – the plumes and pigment are all gone." S tim sto, ja u ovoj kolekciji vidim nesto SASVIM drugo. Meni je ova kolekcija toliko futuristicka da vise futuristicka ne moze biti :D Ovako ja zamisljam fashionable&trendy putnicu u svemir ;)

Here's what vouge says about Mark's inspiration for this collection: "exotic world inhabited by birds and butterflies and beautiful creatures but one where something has happened and now all the beauty has been stripped back – the plumes and pigment are all gone."Except that I really see something completely different in all this. This collection seem so futuristic to me :) This is how I would imagine fashionable&trendy women traveling to space ;)

Holly Fulton

E ovo je futuristicka kolekcija inspirisana futurizmom uz upotrebu futuristickih dezena od strane Holly Fulton - tako da sam izgleda ovde ubola temu ;) Zaista mi se dopada ideja koja se provlaci kroz svaki komad.

Now this is a futuristic collection inspired by future with the use of futuristic graphics. Holly Fulton said that, and I saw it in the collection, so I think I got the point right this time ;) I like almoust every piece from here :)

TopShop Unique

Karen Bonser i njen tim su kao inspiraciju ove kolekcije naveli mitoloska stvorenja - sto sam ja otkrila tek nakon sto sam to procitala, a ne dok sam gledala reviju. U svakom slucaju, kolekcija je vise nego.. hm, ekscentricna. Zanimljiva, razlicita.. A mozda malo i previse. Bar su mogli kosu da im spuste, ovako dreci odeca, dreci obuca, drece torbe, dreci lice, dreci kosa, dreci kosa, dreci kosa... Kosa odvuce svu paznju! Ali dobro, sta sad.. Pretpostavljam da bi se neki od ovih komada zapravo mogli nositi, pod uslovom da sve ostalo sto imate na sebi bude vise nego umereno. Doduse, ja ne bih mogla ovo da stavim na sebe. Stoga, samo uzivam u bojama:)

Karen Bonser and her team named "mythology" as their inspiration - which I couldn't really see in the collection. In each case, this collection is more than eccentric if you aske me. It's very interesting and different... Maybe even a bit too much xD At least they could have done something with their hair, like this we have screaming cloths. screaming shoes, screaming make up, and screaming hair, screaming hair, screaming hair... The hair took all the attention!
Anyway, I think that some of these pieces are slightly wearable if everything else you were is more than simple. I personaly don't think I could "wear it out". So I will only enjoy the colours on this show :)

That's all for now, and more is to come :)

Pics taken from

By: Venoma :)))

London fashion week spring/summer 2011 (part I)

Odmah posle New York-a - London :D Moram priznati da mi je on nekako drazi, jer je ipak na mom kontinentu ;) Jeste, prolece je jos daleko, ali pogled na ove kolekcije mi definitivno popravlja raspolozenje po ovoj kisurdaci, s obzirom da sam teski meteoropata. Evo mojih favorita, za sada. Ono sto bih zelela da naglasim je da se kroz razne revije mogu uociti elementi stvaranja pokojnog Alexandra McQueena koga sam mnogo volela - covek je bio genije. Sve ovo lici na odavanje pocasti a ne na kradju ideja i zaista su lepi gestovi u pitanju.

Right after New York - London fashion week :D I must admit I like London fw more, because it's on my continent ;) Yes, the spring is months away from now, but just looking at these collections puts me in a better mood during this rain, soon as I am really meteorophatic sometimes. Here are my favorites, for now. I also want to mention that Alexander McQueen influence is very noticable in many collections - which looks like a tribute, not like stealing ideas, so I think it's very nice what they did.

Bora Aksu

Haljinice malo podsecaju na onu "vanzemaljsku" kolekciju Alexandra McQueen-a mada su napravljene od drugacijih materijala i prilagodjenije. Mnogo mi se svidjaju ove hulahopke (helanke?) sve su unikatne i bas upecatljive.

Dresses remind me of those "alien" collection od Alexander McQueen tho they are made from other, more adjusted materials. I really like those tights-or socks? - every each one is unique and leaving a great impression.

Carolina Charles

Vrlo simpaticno, zenstveno, slatko. Ali kada ce vide ove 50te i 70te izaci iz mode? xD

Very cute and feminene. But when is this 50's and 70's trend gonna end? xD

Felder Felder

Kolekcija ne previse upecatljiva, osim sto isto u nekim elementima podseca na McQueen-a. Nitnice i mesavine boja su dominantne.

Collection that doesn't leave really big impression, except that it reminds on McQueen too. Metal detials and mixture of colours are dominant.

House of Holland

Ova kolekcija je definitinvo jedna od najupecatljivijih po mom misljenju na ovom fashion week-u. Pufnaste mindjuse (u koje sam zaljubljena), nekoliko boja (plava, zelelna, ljubicasta,), rese, neobicni krojevi, zvezdice... Sve fenomenalno i osvezavajuce ukomponovano.

This collection is one of the best so far on this fashion week. Big fluffy earings (that I fell in love with), few strong colours (blue, green, purple), unusuall cuts, small stars, fringes... Everything put together on a fabilous way.

John Rocha

Ima nesto sto me potpuno osvojilo u vezi ovih sesira :) Ova obuca na pertlanje me podseca malkice na Jen Kao iz New York-a i dopada mi se. Sve ovo leprsavo, providno, pleteno, jednostavno... Zaista je dobro izvedeno ovde. Inace mi je dosadila klasika, pola revija ne pokazuje nista novo niti zanimljivo. Stoga bambi za ovu kolekciju jer nije monotona.

There's something about these hats that I like very much :D These shoes remind me a bit of what I saw in Jen Kao's collection and I like these too. Pieces look very classy and yet not boring - I got pretty sick of classy collection this season, there's rarely something new or interesting to be seen - that's why I like this one, it's a bit different.

Mary Katrantzou

Zamislite sobu, bazen, prozor, bastu... Na odeci. Zamislite rese umesto zavesa, ogrlice umesto lustera, i razne druge raznobojne detalje. Kako god da ste ih zamislil, Mary je to odradila bolje. Ovo je definitivno najfenomenalnija kolekcija do sada. Prosto genijalno. Ja bih je pravo sa piste premestila u muzej - prava umetnost u svetu mode!

Imagine a room, a pool, a window, a garden... On the cloths. Imagine fringes instead of curtains, necklaces instead of lamps on the ceiling and lots and lots of other colourful details. Whatever have you imagined - Mary did it better. This is one of the most fantastic collection for spring/summer 2011. Ingenious. I would put it in the museum, straight from the runway - it really is an art in this fashion world :)

Pics taken from and

More to come, some other day :)

By: Venoma